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further "sermonizing" will be necessary or helpful since the
brethren will be meeting, for the most part, without an ordained
minister present.·
You ministers be sure to explain carefully the Sabbath before the
meaning of this night of rejoicing and then tell the brethren to
bear that in mind as the background and focus of the spiritual
fellowship through that particular evening. But we feel it is
better NOT to give them an outline of some kind of service.•.they
will all get to hear from God's ministers twice on the very next
day, the Holy Day, anyway. So, no Bible Study or sermonizing is
necessary on the previous evening. It will merely be your re­
sponsibility to appoint elders and deacons to check with the
brethren and be sure that the widows and other single people are
included in the dinner and fellowship with one or more familTes
so that no one is left out of the fine feast and fellowship on
this night which pictures Israel's thankfulness and rejoicing in
coming out of Egypt and our deliverance from sin.
In addition, be sure to remind the brethren to plan well in advance for this
entire Holy Day season so that they won't have last-minute hardships due to
meal needs on the first Holy Day. There should be two services on that day
as on all Holy Days except Atonement.
International News
Conditions in Ghana The following letter to Mr. David Stirk, Business Man­
ager for East and West Africa working from our British office, was written
from Ghana by the pastor of our Churches there.
After reading the letter you will see why our prayers are needed for the
safety of our pastor in Ghana, his wife and their three children, as well as
the ministerial trainee assigned there and our 95 members.
Any members or ministers who correspond with brethren in Ghana are cau­
tioned that specific references in letters to the source of any information
they have heard about the situation there should be avoided totally.
I'm writing this on plain paper, and will not write my name on it,
or include our address on the envelope. I don't want to sound
overly melodramatic, but there is a great deal of anti-white
sentiment at the present time. "Defence Committees" (to defend
the aims of the "revolution") have been set up and they are in­
vestigating various people, organizations, factories, etc.
("investigating" usually means beating up the management).
Our landlord is in trouble. His bank account hers been frozen. If
anything suspicious is found, the house "and all his assets" will
be taken by the "people." I've never seen the man so depressed as
he was yesterday. It seems that all his staff have left him. He
sees no future for himself here, and can't even do his business.
One of our members, in a management position in one of this
city's few functioning factories, had a real scare last Thursday.
One of the "boys" at the factory had gone to the ruling PNDC