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being put out, find themselves unqualified for any other profession. Some
have had to find employment at manual labor.
Becoming a minister of Jesus Christ is a very serious matter. To the
young minister Timothy the Apostle Paul instructed to "be instant"--keep at
it--in season and out of season. And Jesus said, "No man, having put his
hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God" (Luke
9:62). Again, Jesus said "Remember Lot's wife," who turned back.
One should never start in the ministry until he is fully converted,
has received and is really being led by the Holy Spirit of God--has given
his life to God to be used in SERVING, not GETTING--until he has come to
really admit how wrong he is and has been, and wants to serve rather than be
served. It's for LIFE--and for ETERNITY!
Saul was the tallest man in Israel, but was small in his own eyes. But
when he became BIG in his own eyes God could not use him any longer. Can we
allow Christ to use us effectively, bearing good fruits, and at th�ame
time remaining small and humble in our own eyes? That is what is required.
The motive must be to GIVE--to CONTRIBUTE--to help and cooperate, and
not to GET rank or power or position, or money for SELF! And we must not
TAKE credit to ourselves, but GIVE God all the glory, for He will not share
that with any one.
Guidelines for the "Night to Be Much Observed"
As a reminder, the "Night to Be Much Observed" should be held in family
groups in private homes. Proper planning and preparation should be made to
see to it that everyone, including all elderly and singles, will have a
place to go to be with the brethren on this very important occasion. The
following is once again a quote from a pastoral letter of April 8, 1970
giving Mr. Armstrong's last official statement on the subject:
Mr. Herbert Armstrong had intended to write you all a note re­
garding how to conduct the "Night to Be Much Observed." However,
with the financial crisis and many other thing§, he has been ex­
tremely busy and unable to. In fact, he is out of town today. So
he told me to go ahead and tell you that he has now decided that
there should not be any type of service or Bible Study on that
evening with the new format we will now be using.
He said to simply tell the brethren to have two or three families
eat and fellowship together on that evening in an attitude of
thankfulness and rejoicing for the deliverance from sin which we
as New Testament Christians experience. The host or leading man
should ask God's blessing on the meal and the occasion but no