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effective in establishing us in sound doctrine and a sound
approach to life in the end time. It is obvious that some have
responded to Mr. Armstrong's warnings and have stirred up God's
Spirit in their lives. Others still seem to be drifting, just
"getting by." This theme will be the focus of my ministry for the
next weeks and months.
We're thankful Christ has used Mr.
Armstrong to give us these vital messages.
My wife and I are excited about the next session of the
Ministerial Refreshing Program. We're looking forward to learning
how to prepare the Church more effectively for our wedding to
FLORENCE, s.c.--PAUL KIEFFER: Mr. Waterhouse's Bible study came
at an appropriate time in this area because of the recent deciĀ­
sion on make-up. He addressed some of the comments that had been
made by a few disgruntled individuals in this area. Some in this
area with nonmember mates had been reluctant to step out and obey
God. They are now beginning to make progress and consistently
put God first when there is a conflict.
CLEVELAND (EAST), OH--GUY ENGLEBART: We are receiving more visit
requests from prospective members. The people requesting visits
are much more grounded in God's truth than was the case in the
past. This is the fruit of Mr. Armstrong's increasing meaty and
strong telecasts, broadcasts and articles. God is inspiring new
people to act on the knowledge they receive.
RICHMOND, VA--KENNETH GIESE: Sorry about this late report, but I
am happy to announce the birth of our third son, Michael Richard,
on Monday, January 4th--office day! Thank you for the telecast
in Charlottesville--the brethren are really excited!
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Newsstand Response
The good news from Publishing is that the newsstand program is still
continuing to grow by leaps and bounds!
Through the diligent efforts of the pastors and their delegates in the
field, the newsstand response rate is averaging three percent and more.
With our present distribution, this is adding over 36,000 new readers to
The PLAIN TRUTH every month.
We thought it would be especially inspiring and encouraging for you to read
some of the comments from people who have picked up the magazine from the
newsstand. Following is a selection of these comments, as well as a few
very interesting letters from members assisting in the newsstand program.
Keep up the good work!
Comments From Newsstand Readers
First, I would like to tell you what having been introduced to
The PLAIN TRUTH has done for my life.
I visited my doctor's