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Dear Mr. Tkach:
Our very sincere thanks to you and those responsible for the
refreshing program. The trunk-of-the-tree matters so faithfully
expounded in all the presentations certainly help to unify and
stabilize us all.
We have benefited greatly from everything we have attended and we
are encouraged and equipped now to do a better job.
Having all the regional directors come in for a conference was a
very timely and necessary decision. We appreciated being togeth­
er and receiving instruction, correction and guidance for our
respective areas.
Roy and Tine McCarthy
Dear Mr. Tkach:
I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the privilege of
being permitted to attend the first session of the second
refreshing program. Your staff at Ministerial Services really
went out of their way to help in any area where help was needed.
The classes and the material covered were super. It was a real
inspiring experience to sit in on these classes and be instructed
by you and the other men chosen to do this. I plan to share the
inspiring examples I heard with the brethren here in St. Louis,
and I just hope I can convey the enthusiasm that was conveyed to
It was a privilege to be able to hear Mr. Armstrong and the in­
spiring message he had for us. Also to meet many old friends and
new ones was a special treat. I enjoyed meeting the regional
directors and learning more about their respective areas.
The auditorium was just beautiful, as I remembered it, and there
is also a lot to say about the weather since I came back to cold
weather here and two feet of snow!
Wil Malone
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
PORTLAND, ME--LEONARD HOLLADAY: Many members have commented on
how much they appreciate Mr. Armstrong's tapes--they feel that
they have a closer tie with him. They have also stated that the
information and correction he is giving the Church is vital and
needed. Please encourage Mr. Armstrong to continue these tapes-­
we all need them.
Sermons from Mr. Armstrong are
very much appreciated. Correction is producing peaceable fruits
of righteousness.
The brethren are excited about Mr.
Armstrong's trips and upcoming meetings.
CHARLOTTE, N.C.--GEORGE PINCKNEY: We are thankful for all the
sermons we •ve been getting from Mr. Armstrong. They are very