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Today we live in the Day of Man (enslaved invisibly by Satan)
and a civilization which in fact is the world of human nature-­
Satan's world! The PLAIN TRUTH was envisioned and brought into a
publication which proclaims the WORLD TOMORROW-- an entirely dif­
ferent civilization-- GOD'S CIVILIZATION.
Now this is of SUPREME IMPORTANCE-- because The PLAIN TRUTH was
founded under God's leading to be one of the two-- and perhaps even
the number ONE medium for carrying out the GREAT COMMISSION. Some
might think radio and television to be our number one means of pro­
claiming Christ's GOOD NEWS, but without THE WORD OF GOD IN PRINT,
radio alone could never have built the Work-- and actual records now
show that daily half-hour radio broadcasting has far outweighed tele­
vision, though the latter, if properly used, may be very effective.
You know, I really died, just over a year ago-- though by mouth­
to-mouth resuscitation they brought me back in thirty or forty-five
seconds-- or perhaps one and one-half minutes. God brought me back
iffilfTH had gone secular-- and God had been�rtually booted out the
And now I must move swiftly and decisively to get The PLAIN TRUTH
back on the track as GOD'S MAGAZINE! Utterly UNIQUE! Totally unlike
this carnal world's magazines.
Now, back to the BASIC POLICY and PURPOSE of The PLAIN TRUTH.
I have already stated it-- to make plain God's revealed TRUTH as it
is in the Bible. To make the Bible interesting! To make it understand­
able! To make it COME ALIVE as a N O W Book!
What built the Church and the Work? The central hub of the Work
was daily half-hour radio broadcasting working with The PLAIN TRUTH.
The broadcasting, and later telecasting-- and even advertising space
in mass-circulation magazines and newspapers,added subscribers to The
PLAIN TRUTH. The PLAIN TRUTH was then used to open minds to re­
vealed knowledge, informed of the KINGDOM OF GOD and by offering,
with it, booklets, and the Correspondence Course.
This basic program was supplemented by monthly co-worker letters
from me, semi-annual letters to P.T. subscribers, and a LETTER ANS­
WERING DEPARTMENT ("LAD", later "PCD") along with a growing and dedi­
cated ministry.
The whole concept of every branch of this Work was to GIVE God's
truth to the world and to SERVE (GIVE TO) the brethren God continually
added to His Church.
This plain, simple, direct program worked! I remember how Bill
Tilden used to say, "Never change a winning game-- always change a
losing game."
I am taking steps immediately to restore a qualified and experi­
enced letter answering department,such as we used under Dr. Zimmerman
and Wilbur Berg. I may have to find time (how, I do not know) to do
new daily half-hour radio broadcasting.