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Record Phone Response to Mideast Special On the weekend of January 23-24,
"Mideast Special, Part I" was aired on TV stations throughout the U.S. An
all-time record of 8,900 calls came in for the telecast--the busiest week­
end in WATS history.
Mr. Armstrong's interesting and informative interview with President
Mubarak of Egypt, and his strong endorsement of THE UNITED STATES AND
BRITAIN IN PROPHECY booklet and The PLAIN TRUTH--as well as the increased
number of TV stations and phone lines, the bad winter weather and perhaps a
larger viewing audience as a result of "Super Bowl Sunday"--contributed to
the high interest and heavy response.
These two new all-time records for God's Work have given 1982 a flying
start. We are eagerly anticipating further records in God's Work during
this year.
Inspiring Accounts of God's Healing Power
Our letters this week show remarkable instances of God's healing power
today in the lives of His people.
Healed of Snake Bite
A member of the French-speaking Church of Fort-de-France in
Martinique was bitten by a poisonous snake while working at a
banana plantation.
She was immediately taken to the hospital.
Twenty-two days earlier, a young man was also bitten by a snake
at the same plantation and died in terrible pain. Our member was
annointed while at the hospital. Today, she is at home without
ever having received any kind of injection.
The doctors couldn't believe it and didn't want to let her go.
Death usually occurs 24 hours later. She was held under obser­
vation for one month. Finally they had to let her go.
The nurses, as well as all her neighbours, say that she is excep­
tionally lucky. But we know that her "luck" is to have the God of
Israel as her Protector--the One who listens to the prayers of
His children in the Church.
Gilbert Carbonnel, Martinique
Son Raised from Coma
We have been through one of the most frightful traumas of our
lives these past four weeks. We have seen God's love and deliv­
erance firsthand and have so very much to praise Him for.
Our 13-year-old son was near death's door. He was unconscious
for almost 30 hours in a convulsive coma with no brain responses
at all. After being anointed by our local elder, God intervened
and healed him of this malady and a very plaguing problem at the
same time.
L.H • (Vina, AL)