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College Administration at Big Sandy are concerned. We will check first
with Mr. Armstrong to make sure he approves of our sending a smaller group
of students to Big Sandy for the coming 1982-83 college year.
Due to increased budget allocations, it is now possible for the College to
finance various scholarships for additional countries of the international
area of the Work. (We will, however, not be able to give "Regional Scholar­
ships" to U.S. and Canadian students.) We will be able to give scholarships
to students from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Britain, and
Ireland. I am sure this will be good news to you ministers in these areas.
We want to do all within our power to assist any very promising, prospective
students from overseas so that they can be thoroughly trained as quickly as
possible in order to go back to their native countries and serve in God's
Work. We never know when darkness will fall across any one of those coun­
tries--with a tyrannical, hostile government kicking out all foreigners
living in their countries. We therefore want to make certain that we have
sufficient trained personnel to be able to carry on with God's Work in their
countries if that ever happens.
Just before Mr. Herbert
Armstrong and his party left on their recent trip
to the Orient, he mentioned to me that he was pleased with the way the
College is going. I pray that we can continue to please him; but most of
all, I pray that all of us on the faculty and administration of the two
campuses will be able to please God by diligently training the youth of His
Church. We have a joyful, yet weighty job to do. The young people of the
Worldwide Church of God are very precious in our sight, and in the sight of
Almighty God!
It is very good to see many of God's ministers and their wives back on cam­
pus once again. I am sure all of you will be encouraged, inspired, and
refreshed by the second round of the Ministerial Refreshing Program. It is
always a privilege for the ministers here at Pasadena to meet our fellow
ministers and their wives--to get to know each other better, thereby
strengthening and encouraging one another.
God willing, we shall eventually be seeing all of you here at the Ministe­
rial Refreshing Program. We continue to remember all of you ministers and
your families in our prayers and ask your continued prayers for Mr.
Armstrong, for the ministers and faculty at the two campuses and for all of
us here at Pasadena!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
1982 Starts Off With Two New All-Time Records
Record Donations for December Semiannual Mr. Armstrong's 1981 winter semi­
annual letter broke all records and brought the highest donation for any
semiannual to date, with by far the largest percentage coming from the mem­
bership. The average donation per member showed an increase of 23% (far
exceeding inflation in this country) over the previous record resulting
from the June 1981 semiannual letter.
God's people are to be highly commended for their outstanding willingness
to support His Work.