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things like the lower levels. Otherwise, they are enjoying them
very much.
I have worried about this need of theirs very much. I have seen
Satan's surcharge of the air against them especially hard from
March through May of '81, but they have been having trouble with
bad attitudes off and on for a while now. We as parents are
trying to talk to them more about God and the Bible, but
sometimes we feel they need others to do that too, so they (the
children) don't feel like it's only father and mother who say it
is the best way. These Bible lessons for them should fill that
Parents (Paramount, CA)
Our children received the first issues of the YOUTH BIBLE
LESSONS. It's great; they are so happy. We thank God for this
program. Thank you everyone!
Mr. & Mrs. D.A. (Salem, WV)
The lessons are just great. I'm so happy about them. Thank you
so much for the help with our children.
Mrs. D.C. (Winslow, IN)
Thank you
workbooks ..
the Church
for sending our three children the Bible Feast
This makes the children feel like a special part of
also as they really are.
Mr. & Mrs. R.R. (Ft. Pierce, FL)
The children were so excited when they received their lessons on
the Feast. They had been learning how to depend on God. Thank
you for everything.
Mr. & Mrs. R.K. (Okeman, OK)
Comments From Children
Thank you for the YOUTH BIBLE LESSONS. I am in level 5, and nine
years old. My brother is in level 2, and is six years old. The
first lesson made my Feast more exciting. I can't wait till I
receive my other lessons. My brother likes them too.
I.W. (Youngstown, Alberta, Canada)
I love your YOUTH BIBLE LESSONS. I really enjoy reading them.
They are just what I enjoy reading about: prophecy, Almighty
God's overall picture, and how He's going to save the world from
utter destruction (which would happen if He did not intervene).
So, thank you for sending them and keep up the good work!
How are you? I'm
because they have
hearing you on the
H.C. (Woodbury, NJ)
fine. I'm happy with my YOUTH BIBLE LESSONS
fun things in them to do. My family enjoys
radio. Me and my sister read the Bible stories
My name is Tonia and I'm seven and in second
Tonia (Harrisburg, PA)