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Comments About Y.E.S. Feast Lessons
Pastor's Comments
wanted to give you a little feedback on members' response to
the Y.E.S. Program. It has been appreciated by the parents as
much, probably more, than the children. It has made a tremendous
impact in the Dallas area (referring to the special Feast Lesson)
in ways that might not be initially apparent.
When a parent comes to me and says that the Y.E.S. lessons have
helped convict them of their own deficiencies in Bible study and
see this as a program that is turning the hearts of the
fathers to the children and turning the hearts of fathers and
mothers to God.
The only negative comments which I have heard are:
material is not enough to keep us going for a month.•• give us
more." 2)
"When is the next lesson coming out?" Members have
approached me with these questions and comments who have never
expressed any feelings about any aspect of the Y.o.U. program
before this time.
I hope that the lessons can continue to be produced in a high
quality and regular manner since they are feeding a hungry flock
of parents, as well as our own set apart group of young
prospective members whom God commands us not to forget.
Randal Dick
Comments From Parents
I want to thank you immensely for the YOUTH BIBLE LESSONS. Our
children were just delighted to get them, and have really enjoyed
working on them.
My congratulations to all who were involved
with them. They are really right on target as to age and ability
Mr. & Mrs. T.B. (Porterville, CA)
Our children enjoyed their Special Feast Lessons and are now
looking forward to their monthly lessons. We hope that they soon
will be receiving their monthly Bible lessons. Those lessons
will be a tremendous help and guideline to us parents, and will
help us in teaching our children more effectively. It truly is a
blessing to be in God's Church.
(Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada)
Our two younger girls received their Special Feast Lessons from
Y.E.S. and we think they are great. Thank you so much, they are
like a special kick-off to the Y.E.S. Program.
G.B. (S. Pasadena, CA)
I am very happy that the children are receiving their Y.E.S.
lessons now. The only complaint I've heard from them is that the
one at level five would like pictures to color and more activity