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number of T.V. stations compared to a year ago; added WATS lines enabling
more calls to be taken; and, of course, God's continual blessing and in­
spiration of the telecasts.
With television stations being continually added, new programs made and the
addition of extra phone lines, we are anticipating new all-time records for
T.V. response in 1982.
Weekly Letter Comments
This week we are featuring an interesting variety of comments on different
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Parents Pleased With Fruits of Ambassador College
We would like to thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for Ambassador College
and for your insistence on high standards. It has been a real
blessing to watch our son grow and mature mentally, physically
and spiritually, while attending the Pasadena campus last year
and Big Sandy this year.
While our son was in Pasadena, we met many of his friends and were
impressed with their attitudes and behavior. You have chosen a
fine faculty and the fruits are evident. We wish that all of the
young people could have the same experience.
R.C. (Redondo Beach, CA)
Intelligence Agent Appreciates Prophecy
Please send me your literature on the U.S. and Britain in
prophecy. As an intelligence agent for the U.S. army I find your
program especially stimulating and thought provoking. Being a
true believer in Bible prophecy, I hope you continue to spread
the Word. With the second coming of Christ so near, all should be
made aware.
J.B. (Ft. Huachuca, AZ)
Literature Proven Correct
Thank you very kindly for sending me the booklets about Christmas
and Easter.•.. ! did check an encyclopaedia about Christmas, but
not because I didn't believe you. It's all very simple and true.
The Bible does not ask us to celebrate Christmas, or Easter or to
pray for the dead. Your literature was a big help to me. Keep up
the good work with The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. Thanks a million.
K.T. (Culver City, CA)
Life Now Has Meaning
My life has been greatly changed since learning the "plain truth"
about God's Word. Through much prayer and study, I am learning
how to submit to His ways.
God has blessed me not only spiritually but also materially--all
this for turning away from my old ways to wanting, seeking and
accepting His ways as my own. I know that this is just the begin