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the laws of success, and how to achieve a full, abundant, happy life now and
Some might ask, "But why didn't you include in your survey those alumni who
have left the Church?"
Firstly, the Work does not keep an updated list of disfellowshipped mem­
bers, consequently the College could not contact many of them even if we
wanted to.
Secondly, even if we did have the addresses of all nonmember graduates of
Ambassador College, it is contrary to Church policy to contact such people.
We would not want to "bother" those members who have shown that they do not
want to continue their relationship with the Worldwide Church of God.
Thirdly, even if we did include disfellowshipped alumni in our survey, we
believe that their results would be similar to those of members. We know
for a fact that certain nonmember graduates of Ambassador have done quite
well financially. Having left the Church does not necessarily mean that
they forgot all of the valuable points they have learned about leadership,
public speaking, personality, and the laws of success. (Mr. Armstrong has
explained on numerous occasions that many "successful" people in the world
have been successful because they applied some of the laws of success. But
they can only be truly successful if they apply all of the laws of success.)
Truly, as the Bible teaches, "The hand of the diligent maketh rich" (Prov.
10:4). "The hand of the diligent shall bear rule" (Prov. 12:24).
God, speaking through the apostle John, says: "Beloved, I wish above all
things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul pros
pereth" (III John 2).
Christ meant what He said when He commanded: "But seek ye first the Kingdom
of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you"
(Matt. 6:33).
Ambassador College teaches its students to put first things first. When
the graduates of Ambassador put into practice the way of life (the way of
God's law of love) which they learned while at God's College--they are
bound to prosper!!!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
New 1981 Record for Weekend Television Response
A new year-to-date record for T.V. response was set this past weekend
(December 19-20) with the program, "The Plain Truth About Christmas."
Callers were enthusiastic and there were no antagonistic calls. (Many of
them gave "season's greetings" at the conclusion of their calls.)
We received 8,300 calls for this one telecast aired throughout the u.S.
This is only about 200 calls less than the all-time weekend record T.V.
response in God's Wo�set in February, 1978.
Some of the reasons for this new year-to-date record include the fact that
the program was timely and relevant to the "holiday" season; an increased