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Messrs. Hawkins and Browning will retain their respective jobs in the
office, but will also take care of the brethren in Mauritius and Zambia.
Mr. Klynsmith will be an associate pastor in the Durban and Pietermaritiz­
burg churches, while Mr. Manzingana will assist with the Sowetan brethren.
We are now getting on top of an exceptional mail backlog. some volunteers
came to the office and assisted in rapidly regaining the ascendancy.
Our financial report continues to look very good. Our October income year­
to-date is 42. 2% above that of the period January-October 1980.
We are
appreciative of and thankful for such blessings.
Our newsstand program of 41,000 PLAIN TRUTHS being distributed per month is
still doing very well with an over four percent response. Soon we expect
approved advertisements from Pasadena and hope to place these in selected
magazines early next year.
The Netherlands From Mr. Bram de Bree, Regional Director for the Dutch­
language area comes the following report:
For the Dutch-language area of God's Work in Europe, this was truly the best
Feast e�er! Feast fever started early this year with the arrival of Mr.
Rod Matthews who visited Holland for a few days while he and his family were
on the way to the Feast in Brno, Czechoslovakia and Bonndorf, West Germany.
He had the opportunity to speak for the first time to a Dutch-speaking con­
gregation in Bilthoven on the Day of Atonement.
This year's Feast was held again for the seventh time at the Hunzebergen,
Exloo, The Netherlands.
Although this country received more rainfall in
the month of October this year than any other October in 50 years, the
spirit at God's fall festival was a spirit of unity, love, peace and joy.
A total of 307 brethren from Holland and Belgium registered with another 83
from countries such as Germany, England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia,
Canada and the United States.
The highlights of the messages given were the opening night and first-day
messages of Mr. Herbert
Armstrong. Although direct hookup via satellite
on the first day wasn't available, video recordings were made in England.
These video cassettes were sent to various Feast sites in Europe by courier
service. So by the Sabbath the Dutch-speaking brethren were able to parti­
cipate in the first-day service of the Feast held in Pasadena and to hear
Mr. Armstrong. Through the services of a local firm the entire first day
service was projected on one large nine by fifteen foot screen.
Mr. Bram de Bree, director of the Dutch-language area of God's Work, and Mr.
Piet Michielsen, a visiting Dutch-speaking minister from Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, were the main speakers at the Feast at the Hunzebergen, assisted by
recently-ordained local church elder Harold van Lerberghe and local
deacons. The sermonettes and sermons all had one common theme: the meaning
of the Feast--God's Kingdom on earth in a world of harmony, love and peace,
and our preparation for that time.
Towards the end of the Feast the Dutch-speaking brethren had the pleasure
of hearing and meeting Mr. Dexter Faulkner, managing editor of The PLAIN
TRUTH, and his family. He gave a slide presentation showing an overview of
the editorial process behind the Work's publications.