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member, we write a letter to the pastor asking his help. If the pastor has
no information on the individual involved, or fails to respond in a month,
we make the member a nonmember. This is the pastor's responsibility.
We have instituted this change to simplify your job and ours. If there
should be any problems, please let us know. This procedure applies to U.S.
Should the international Regional Directors wish to institute
this procedure or modify it for their areas, they are free to do so.
From time to time a need may arise to contact
me at home after hours. Should such a need
occur, please feel free to contact me at home
through the switchboard.
The operators in
Communications will gladly connect you.
Thank you.
--Joe Tkach
International News
Southern Africa Dr. Roy McCarthy, Regional Director for Southern Africa,
reports on a fine festival there:
The Feast of Tabernacles 1981 in Southern Africa was blessed in many, many
ways. The people especially had an excellent attitude--happiness, joy,
friendliness, helpfulness, a real help-your-neighbour atmosphere every­
where. Nobody appeared to be a loser, having benefited both spiritually
and physically.
Total attendance was 2,622 at the six sites. Durban had 1,196, George 412,
Victoria Falls 382, Umgababa 336, Sonesta 231 and Mauritius 65. The over­
all attendance was seven percent up on 1980, after making allowance for the
Zambian and Mauritian brethren as they were then not included in our region
and hence not part of our 1980 attendance figures. The Zambian brethren
attended with the
imbabwean brethren at Victoria Falls and thoroughly
enjoyed themselves.
The offering during the Feast of Tabernacles in South Africa was 26% up on
1980: in Zimbabwe up 69%. On the Last Great Day the offering was 28.6% up
in South Africa and in Zimbabwe plus 223%. We totaled all offerings for the
seven Holy Days and in South Africa we are 30.4% up on the total for 1980,
and in Zimbabwe +28%.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith were our guests this year. They visited the
Durban, Victoria Falls, George and Sonesta festival sites. We appreciated
their presence and valuable contribution.
The festival elders all reported a trouble-free Feast, with very few
anointings and no serious problems.
During the Feast Mr. Norman Smith ordained four local elders. They are
Peter Hawkins, Terry Browning, Robert Klynsmith and Petros Manzingana.