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opportunity available.
we hope that other local elders will take
advantage of this spiritual blessing.
We are looking forward to
another session next year.
Telephone Calls Up Greatly in 1981
Richard Woodall
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
An exceptionally good phone response was received during the Festival
break--a total of 25,000 calls. This was a 273% increase over last year's
Feast period!
Mr. Armstrong's special telecast on President Sadat (aired October 18) drew
the largest-ever Sunday telephone response.
One hundred and fifty
volunteers from among those attending the Pasadena Feast site helped answer
the phones. Without them, it would have been impossible to handle so many
It appe?rs that telephone calls in 1981 may nearly double the volume of
calls for last year. The first ten months showed an 84% increase over 1980.
The main reason for this increase was The WORLD TOMORROW program. Phone
calls in response to the telecast increased four and one-half times so far
this year as compared to the same period a year ago. (By the end of October
we had received 123,665 TV calls as compared to 26,734 in 1980.)
response continues to climb, we anticipate a 90% to 95% increase in overall
phone activity by the end of the year.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Weekly Letter Comments
Members United Through Satellite Message
I just felt I ought to write to say "thank you," especially for your
message on the first Holy Day and the opportunity to be united with
brethren in the U.S.A. and Canada. You certainly do look and sound
fitter and stronger every time we see you (we sat near the loudspeak­
er)! When we left the hall at 11:15 p.m. there was a brilliant full
moon in the sky. Having just sung hymn number seven (How Excellent Is
Thy Name!), it really did have an inspiring effect.
W.L. (Cambridge, England)
Children and Parents Welcome Y.E.S. Lessons
Thank you so much for the new program you have begun for the children
in God's Church! Our seven-year-old received the Youth Bible Lesson
on the fall festivals and it is just fantastic! It was so enjoyable to
go through it on the Feast of Trumpets. I even learned from it--and
this is my 20th Feast! It is exciting for the children to be more
involved in the Church. Receiving their own literature helps them
feel more a part of it.
Thank you again for your insight into their