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Membership since 1975 has increased at an average of 23.6% per year. Total
attendance at the three Churches is 260 and the total number of baptized
small compared to the
U.S.A., nevertheless God is doing a Work here and He is calling people and
blessing them.
Appreciation for the Ministerial Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
A few weeks ago my wife and I returned from the 15th session of the
refresher program. In reminiscing about the experience we felt com­
pelled to write and express our heartfelt appreciation for being able
to attend such a dynamic program. The fast-moving, hard-hitting
approach motivated Dana and I to work more diligently in growing
closer to God and thereby become more effective tools in His hands to
accomplish His will.
Being a young man in the ministry, I deeply appreciated the oppor­
tunity to be taught by men you have personally groomed over the years.
The wisdom and balance reflected in these men was a true inspiration
to me. Thank
for providing us the strong, energetic, God-inspired
leadership which compels us to give our 100% in supporting God's work.
Michael Greider
Dear Mr. Tkach:
It is difficult to express in words the gratification and inspiration
Mona and I felt and feel about the warmth, sincerity and genuine love
we received and experienced while in Pasadena attending the refresher
program. It was difficult to believe the "adulations" we read in the
PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORTS prior to being there. I guess you could say
we "saw through a glass dimly, but then face to face."
A cooperative attitude prevailed everywhere--in the student body, the
Church, the ministry and administrative personnel. Many thanks for
inviting us to attend the program.
It was a special blessing to be able to speak to the student body and
faculty of Ambassador College in the Auditorium and an unforgettable
and encouraging experience to visit with Mr. Armstrong in his home. To
renew old friendships and develop new ones with ministers and wives,
faculty and staff, etc. was deeply heartwarming. Everyone who in­
structed in the refresher program contributed so much. It was truly a
GOOD NEWS and REFRESHING experience.
Dale and Mona Schurter
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I would like to express our sincere thanks for having been
given the opportunity of attending the Ministerial Refresher Program.
As a local elder, we had never had the privilege of receiving instruc­
tion at God's College. We are thankful to have been instructed in an
atmosphere of unity of mind and dedication towards one goal.
special "thank you" to Mr. Armstrong and to all who made this