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Weekly Letter Comments
This week we have selected letters on several different subjects.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Broadcast Leads Prisoner to God
For a year now I've been listening to your daily broadcasts with total
enjoyment and have no desire to stop. Finally I've found the program
that spreads the Word of God in plain, simple language which can be
understood by many. I've sampled dozens of religious broadcasts in
the past two and a half years but without much satisfaction. It seems
that all these broadcasts "talk good" but rarely explain the "good
talk." Many are becoming so political that they sound as if they're
running for office instead of spreading the Word of God. Also it seems
that each broadcast is ended by asking for a donation.
You, sir, are the only one who goes to the roots of words in the Bible
and explain them to us. You offer no miracles, neither give your own
predictions of the future or say that God sent you to save mankind.
Instead you quote God's miracles, God's predictions and God's coming
to save man. This singles you out from the ones I'm suspicious about.
Mr. Armstrong, I'm in prison. I'm guilty of all I've been charged with
and for charges I didn't get caught for. But my mind and heart are at
peace because I'm finding my way back from a world of hideous sin and
abandonment of God.
J.J. (Trenton, NJ)
Answers Found Through Booklet
I have just finished reading your booklet THE UNITED STATES AND
BRITAIN IN PROPHECY and am fascinated with what I've read. I often
wondered why only two countries have become great and hold most of
this world's wealth. After reading your booklet many such questions
have been answered. The booklet has really helped me to understand
parts of the Bible I've never understood before. I feel that going
back to the basics in the Bible will help people see just what is in
store for us as a nation. God has used this booklet to convict me and
show me the errors of my ways. Praise God it came before it was too
P.J. (Kismet, KS)
Ambassador College Fulfills Childhood Dreams
I'm attending Ambassador College right now, and working for the
Graphics Department in Publishing. It's not enough that God allowed
my childhood dream of attending Ambassador to come true, but He's also
allowing me to do what I love (art) for Him and His Work.
Mr. Armstrong, no amount of money could equal the value of what I'm
learning and the dreams that God is fulfilling for me right now. I
know that God has built His Work through you, so you also have a part
in the fulfilling of these dreams. I want to thank you for that. I