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! thought you might like to know that the graduates of Ambassador College
more than hold their own, financially speaking, in the business world.
Christ meant what He said when He gave the formula for a truly successful
life: "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all of
these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33).
We ministers who serve on the faculty here at Ambassador wish to express our
thankfulness for the opportunity to have had a chance to visit with many of
you ministers while on the refresher program. It has been the privilege of
my wife and myself to try to have a group of 15 to 20 ministers and their
wives into our home during each session (except for the earlier ones). We
have thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity.
When we sent out our invitation to the last group here on the refresher
program (the next to the last one), I told them in my invitation: "We will
be serving drunks (sic) and finger foods, so we hope all of you will be sure
to bring your appetites!"
Fortunately I was wrong, as there were no
"drunks" who showed up at our home for the occasion! They turned out to be
quite a respectable group!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
$1,000 Continues to be Claimed
We continue to receive letters from people accepting Mr. Armstrong's chal­
lenge to prove that Christians go to heaven.
Since January, over 150
letters have been received in addition to phone calls. (We estimate that
over 1,220 people have tried to claim the reward since it was first offered
several years ago.) About half of the responses have come from people not
on our mailing list. This offer seems to bring in response from new people
who have never written before!
Every conceivable scripture is being used to claim the $1,000. Most refer
to the scriptures concerning Enoch and Elijah (II Kings 2:11), the thief on
the cross (Luke 23:43) and the transfiguration (Matt. 17:2-3).
responses are answered with appropriate literature. Also quoted are pas­
sages from the book of Revelation, such as 4:1, 5:9, 7:9-17, 11:2, 14:1-5,
15:2-3, 19:1 and 21:9-10, as well as II Corinthians 12:2 and I Peter 1:4.
These are answered by personal letters.
Those who write generally fall into one of three categories:
1. People lured by the $1,000, but ignorant of the Bible.
2. "Theological students" who delight in arguing Scripture.
3. Sincere, well-intentioned individuals wishing to show our "error."
Most viewers and listeners do not listen carefully and thereby misunder­
stand the context of Mr. Armstrong's statements and the intent of his