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MONTVALE, NJ--LLOYD BRIGGIE: God is clearly cleaning His Church-­
people who have had longstanding personal problems and weaknesses are
now having to face them. Most are making good strides in admitting
them and growing and changing. The spirits of members are high as they
see all God is doing through Mr. Armstrong and what God's doing in
their personal lives to prepare them for Christ's coming.
MICHIGAN CITY, IN--RAND MILLICH: Many have commented how they have
appreciated the last few issues of both the PT and the GN.
articles have been especially helpful! Many 7th Day Adventists are
receiving the PT in the Berrien County area of Michigan.
The PLAIN TRUTH Newsstand Program is
very successful in this area and has proven to be a tremendous boost
for the Church. A very high percentage of the brethren are involved.
I've appreciated the letters and comments
regarding the refresher program. Hopefully the program will continue.
After the instructors have had a break.
JACKSONVILLE, NC--JOHN A. MOSKEL: One lady in the local Church here
was recently ticketed for speeding. Fearing her husband's wrath {non­
member) for possible higher insurance rates, she appealed her case in
court. She stayed up 'till 3 a.m. preparing a statement to the court,
praying and fasting. She later appeared in court that day, gave a
statement as to her religious beliefs and said that she was a law­
abiding citizen {normally).
Upon hearing that she was a member of the Worldwide Church of God, the
Judge exclaimed, "Where have you people been--! have been trying to
contact your church." She gave the Judge my card and invited him to
our local Bible Study in Wilmington. He dismissed her case and showed
up at the next Bible Study we had! And brought his wife along, too!
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Since Ambassador College was founded, Mr. Armstrong has said that
Ambassador teaches its students not only "how to live" but also "how to earn
a living." This is aptly stated in the 1980-81 AMBASSADOR COLLEGE CATALOG:
At Ambassador College, students find true values. They learn the real
purpose of human life. Life takes on true meaning. Emphasis is upon
character building. Students learn not merely how to�� living,
but how to live!
Some time ago, I suggested that we make a survey of the graduates of
Ambassador to see how they are doing financially. At that time I fully
believed, financially speaking, that Ambassador College graduates did as
well as, or better than, the graduates of other colleges. We have recently
conducted a thorough survey of the graduates of Ambassador College and it
is clear that in the area of finances our alumni do somewhat better than the
graduates of other colleges. The following quote frem Mr. Dave Albert,
Director of Career Services, makes this point abundantly clear: