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gem and a tremendous asset to Ambassador College, even though he was
responsible for putting a few unwanted pounds on me!
Once again, it is heartening to know that we are all speaking with one
accord, with the trunk of the tree knowledge that Mr. Armstrong and
his staff are teaching us. Certainly, Almighty God will increasingly
bless His Church and Work as we continue to grow in unity, oneness, and
singularity of purpose. Thanks again to you and to everyone concerned
for a most profitable session.
Guy and Penny Engelhart
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong:
Thank you so much for the dinner we had with you at the White Elephant
Club in London. It was a real privilege to have the opportunity to
talk to you like that and be able to ask you so many questions. We
want you to know that we are behind you 100% as you lead us on the
final stretch of this Great Work.
Everybody in west Africa is supporting you constantly and hoping that
someday they, too, will have the opportunity to see and hear you in
Until then, all the members have asked me to tell you how
grateful they are for what God has given them through you--namely, the
knowledge of a better world in the future. In this part of the world,
that is an especially great hope.
Thank you for all your love and
constant endeavours on our behalf.
Melvin and Diane Rhodes
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you very much for the generous raise in salary which you recent­
ly gave to the ministry.
Your fatherly concern for us in the field
ministry as well as for the brethren is greatly appreciated.
My wife and I, along with the brethren here in the Greenville, South
Carolina Church, support you wholeheartedly in fulfilling the Great
Commission. I know that you realize that you do not need to increase
our pay to maintain that support. Since this is the Work of the living
God on earth today we must do our best in supporting it and you even if
we should have to take a cut in pay.
want to be a good shepherd, not
a hireling.
I pray for God's love in me for the brethren as I see it
in you. Thank you for setting such a fine example. Our prayers are
with you daily.
Ronald K. Jameson
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
We were just placed on a local
Elmira, New York TV station. The brethren are so encouraged and in­
spired to be able to see Mr. Armstrong. We have all been praying dili­
gently for coverage for Corning.