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PUBLISHING SERVICES UPDATE Plain Truth Newsstands continue to pull
very well. The overall response seems to be increasing gradually
month by month. A lot of credit is due to the men and women in the
Church areas who make this program so successful. Mark Armstrong left
our employment last week for personal reasons, so please direct your
day-to-day queries or requests to Joanna Pilkington or Michelle
Rasmussen, and to me on matters of policy, etc.
We have been having some problems recently with the new style boxes
used for shipment of Newsstand P.T.s to the various areas. Please
bear with us as we are upgrading the boxes to the original specifica­
One of the main jobs in the department at the moment is Mr. Herbert
Armstrong's book, The Incredible Human Potential. We are pushing hard
to have the book printed and hard-bound by October 1st ready for bulk
delivery to Feast areas for free distribution to Church members. We
shall be contacting Festival coordinators through Mr. McMichael's
office later with details of how this should be handled. As Mr.
Armstrong feels this is one of the most important books ever written,
we are going to make the quality as good as we feel we can without
being extravagant. It will have the appearance of a good quality
hard-bound book that you will see in any book shop. Everest House
will publish the book out of New York and we in Pasadena will do the
--Roger Lippross, Publishing
is an exceedingly rare event when the leader of the Chinese nation
travels abroad. Emperors never left "The Middle Kingdom" (the meaning
of the name "China," signifying the center of things political). It
has happened only three times since the Communists came to power in
1949. Therefore, Chairman Hua Kuo-feng's historic trip to Romania
and Yugoslavia (with Iran thrown in for good measure) is extremely
important. In fact, it is part and parcel of an amazing realignment
of political forces of the world today.
Chairman Hua embarked on his grand tour of the Soviet Union's sensi­
tive Balkan backyard only days after concluding the Sino-Japanese
friendship treaty. Thus, there can be no doubt that Peking's new,
aggressive foreign policy -- a far cry from the excessively inward
view of the 1960's during the depth of the Great Proletarian Cultural
Revolution -- is designed to encircle the Soviet Union and make open
overtures to nations that can help China politically and economically.
The Chinese leadership has set as its primary goal the modernization
of China by the end of the century. This will be an enormous task,
necessitating massive infusions of foreign -- meaning Japanese, West
European and American -- technology and capital. The Chinese are
already shopping heavily in Western Europe for up-to-date military
All of this is extremely upsetting to the Soviets whom the Chinese
never tire of labelling their number one enemy. Chairman Hua, in fact,