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One of the many things that cheers us about Mr. Armstrong is his ever­
present enthusiasm for God's Word, and this same enthusiasm came
thro�gh from everyone there on the team. Thank you.
To see God's Spirit reflected by and on the campus in every way was a
joy, and meeting ministers and their wives from other areas of the
world brought home the fact that we are, thanks to this Work of the
Living God through Mr. Armstrong, so close in spirit even though physi­
cally we live and work so far apart. Thank you once again for every­
Neville and Carol Fraser
Example of God's Intervention
A 20-year-old member of God's Church was keeping store Monday August
17, when she was robbed by three young males.
The two older ones
(approx. 18) told the youngest one, 14, they would kill him if he did
not kill her--they intended to leave no witness. The 14-year-old
whirled around and shot her with a .32 handgun and then they all fled.
Miraculously, the bullet lodged right under the skin in the muscle of
the stomach. She was at Sabbath services that very week and feeling
fine along with being very thankful. They caught the three robbers a
short time after the robbery.
Rick Beam, Moultrie, GA
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
KENOSHA, WI--MICHAEL HANISKO: Have had a flurry of prospective member
activity for the month of July. New individuals contacted for the
first time seem generally to be much better grounded in basic doctrine
and prophecy than a few years ago.
CHICAGO, IL--ALLAN BARR: There is an increase in the number of PM's.
Most of these are knowledgeable about the Sabbath, Holy Days, and
tithing. I expect this trend to continue because of the WGN telecast
and newsstand PT.
TERRE HAUTE, IN--STEVE NUTZMAN: We're all very encouraged by Mr. Arm­
strong's recent trips to various Church areas, as well as by his recent
announcements concerning plans to increase radio and television cover­
age here in the U.S. The brethren do feel the increased resolve and
inspiration coming from Mr. Armstrong and have made many comments about
how well things are going in God's worldwide Work.
TACOMA, WA--LAMBERT GREER: Church continues to be more positive. Was
visiting with an older member family recently and the father stated
that for the first time in three to four years he has felt good about
God's Church, especially the Tacoma congregation.
Mr. Armstrong's
strong leadership has been very much appreciated by the brethren.
CHARLOTTE, NC--GEORGE PINCKNEY: Everyone was elated at the news that
Mr. Armstrong was coming to Charlotte. In spite of the problems we had
with the air conditioning and the delay and discomfort it caused,
spirits remained high. Many said they felt like they were attending a
"mini-feast." Mr. Armstrong's message was tremendously inspiring to
all of us.