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have asked Art Mokarow to cover this in some notes immediately
following this letter.
That's it for this time.
C. Wayne Cole
THE HUMAN POTENTIAL CENTER In our recent meeting with Mr. Rader, Mr.
Cole, and others, we discussed the meaningful role the Human Potential
Center could play in assisting the Church to achieve some of its goals
as outlined by Mr. Armstrong.
With the Church now in the forefront, the Human Potential Center will
be under the direction of Mr. Wayne Cole in Church Administration as
a church function working in harmony with each church pastor.
Our purpose is to help the development of all church members and
ministers and to develop Christ's concern for the brethren and all
humanity. We will help people with daily living situations through the
use of people who are knowledgeable in their specific areas.
There are four types of resources in the church: 1) Spiritual;
2) Human; 3) Physical; 4) Financial. We need to strengthen all four
of these resources. This is what we in fact hope to do.
On the physical plane, the goals and objectives of the Human Potential
Center under the church are as follows:
1. To help church members to be successful in daily living
situations such as marriage, finance, job careers, and social
interrelationships so that they will be the best possible
representatives of Jesus Christ, within the church family and
to outside people.
2. To help church members learn to extend the same love for
humanity that Christ had. The Church is to show, by example,
Christian concern for mankind and God's creation a�a witness
in life.
3. Develop interrelationships between the field ministers and
headquarters. Ideas, thoughts, comments, and suggestions will
be brought before the Executive Team for evaluation.
4. So that each minister can contribute his optimum service to
the brethren, as well as to his local community, the ministry
will be assisted and supported in the area of ministerial develop­
ment by the Human Potential Center. There will be an ongoing
educational and training program to help ministers to carry out
our service for Christ.
5. Church development programs will be handled by the Human
Potential Center.
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