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1982 Festival Housing Arrangements
Even though the Feast of Tabernacles is still weeks away, much
planning for next year's Festival has already taken place. One
critical factor is housing. Because of the following reasons, we
are requesting that all members wait until next spring when the
Feast Edition of the WORLDWIDE NEWS comes out to make housing
reservations for 1982.
1. The sites are not yet firm. Almost any site could be
2. We have no way to guarantee that all transfers will be
3. All housing at each site must be negotiated by the
Festival Coordinator between now and next year. Nego­
tiating for better prices is impossible if available
housing is already partially filled by members.
4. Finally, those transferring to popular sites such as
St. Petersburg and booking their housing early, make it
much more difficult for those assigned to the site to
find housing.
So again--you should wait until the spring Feast Edition of the
WORLDWIDE NEWS comes out to make your 1982 Festival housing
Your cooperation in this area will help make a
better Feast for everyone!
--Festival Office
International News
News From the German Office
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong's visit to Bonn made
for an inspiring start into August. After Mr. Armstrong's lecture to 886
brethren in the Bad Godesberg City Hall on August 1, many commented on the
obvious strength and endurance with which God has blessed Mr. Armstrong.
Many letters of appreciation and thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong were re­
ceived in Bonn, again pointing to the very positive echo left by the visit.
A three-day conference for the ministers took place in Bonn after Mr.
Armstrong's party left for Paris on Sunday, August 2.
Discussions were
held on the coming Fall Festival in Brno, Czechoslovakia and Bonndorf, West
Germany, as well as 1982 Church Budget plans and the Spring Festival 1982.
There was also time for social fellowship with the office staff.
A full round of local church activities complemented church services and
Bible studies during August. Among these were mountain hikes, boat trips,
and even a Swiss picnic featuring water-skiing, which 20 French-speaking
brethren from Geneva also attended.