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1982 Festival Housing
A great deal of planning for the 1982 Feast of Tabernacles is already under
way. One important factor, that oT""housing reservations, affects everyone.
For several reasons, we are asking that all members wait to book their
housing for the Feast until next spring.
First, many of our sites are not yet firm for next year. Some may have to
be dropped in favor of new sites. If a site where members had made reserva­
tions is later cancelled, they could lose a substantial portion of their
second tithe.
Second, we cannot guarantee anyone that his transfer will be approved. If
members book housing at a site and then cannot attend, they could stand to
lose more money than they could afford.
A third factor, and even more important than the first two, is that the
Festival Coordinator must negotiate for housing prices at each site early
in the year. During this process, he visits each hotel/motel in the area.
If our �embers have already booked large numbers of rooms at those estab­
lishments, negotiating for cheaper rates becomes impossible. This spoils a
good business relationship and unnecessarily wastes everyone's second
tithe. As in many other cases, those who are hurt the worst from this are
those who can least afford it--the widows, elderly and low-income members.
Finally, it appears that much of the advance booking occurs from those
transferring to the popular sites such as St. Petersburg, Norfolk and Lake
of the Ozarks. This puts an unequal burden on the members assigned to those
sites, since by the time they begin to make reservations in the spring, some
of the housing they need is taken by others who might not need it as badly.
If everyone will wait--especially those transferring--the own-arrangements
system will be far more equitable for those involved.
Please emphasize by the announcement on the following page, and editorial­
ize from this material if you see fit, that members should wait until the
spring Feast Edition of the WORLDWIDE NEWS comes out to make their 1982
Festival housing arrangements.
Thank you for your help.
Shortage of Bible Hymnals for the Feast
Please announce to your local congregations that due to the increased
numbers of brethren who have signed up to attend the Feast this year, we are
asking that all brethren who own PERSONAL copies of the Bible Hymnal to
please bring them to the Feast.
Hawaii, Rapid City, Squaw Valley, St. Petersburg and Jekyll Island have a
special need for extra hymnals due to the high percentage of transfers.
Your attention and help in this matter will be much appreciated.