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Ministerial Refresher Program. Several commented how valuable it was to
observe firsthand how the mail is read and processed in the Mail Receiving,
Personal Correspondence and Postal sections, and how phone calls are handled
in the Telephone Response area.
Weekly Letter Comments
This week's letters comment on and express gratitude to God for recent heal­
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Recent Healings
I wish to tell you of a miracle in the life of a seventy-five year old
For many years I have been troubled with a bad back, due to
deteriorated disks in the lower spinal region.
Four months ago my
condition became so bad that I was barely able to move because of the
pain. My wife called our minister who came and anointed me. However, I
became completely immobile and had to be taken to the hospital. After
many x-rays, the doctors felt that it was absolutely necessary for me
to have an immediate operation. This disturbed me greatly.
Shortly afterward our minister came for a visit and when I told him the
verdict, he said that I should wait a few days before making a decision
and give God a chance. In the meantime he would ask the brethren for
prayers. That night I was able to move a little for the first time in
two weeks. I felt then that God would heal me and I definitely did not
want an operation.
God heard all the prayers of the brethren locally and around the coun­
try and, as a result, I am now completely without pain. I am walking,
swimming, diving and feeling better than I have in yearsl God does hear
and take care of us.
J.M. (Miami' FL)
I wish to express my deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks for all the
letters, cards, thoughts and prayers of the ministry and members of the
Worldwide Church of God received during my recent brief, but very suc­
cessful, battle with a cancer on my leg. I have now been informed there
is no further evidence of malignancy and I know God has taken care of
and killed all the cancerous cells in my body.
It is indeed wonderful to know we can have the healing and protection of
our great Creator. My faith and trust in our great God has deepened
greatly as a result of this experience.
V.B. (New Plymouth, New Zealand)
forces are retreating from a week-long search-and-destroy mission--code
named Operation Protea--deep into southern Angola from South West Africa, or
Namibia. Their overall goal: to deliver a telling blow to bases and train­
ing camps inside Angola belonging to SWAPO, the Moscow-backed terrorist band
whose goal is to take over power of Namibia by force.