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desirable not only because of Mr. Rader's obvious external expertise,
but also because of his real appreciation for the internal subtleties,
interactions and interdependencies of the Work's overall multimedia
Mr. Armstrong has.been and will continue to be directing all aspects
of media. He is especially concerned about -- and very personally
involved in -- the content of television, radio, the PT, GN and book­
lets. He is continuing to make new television programs, writing for
the PT and GN, and rewriting many of our major booklets. His primary
desire is to increase the impact of our message. A media team has
been designed to back up Mr. Armstrong by determining and recommend­
ing the best means of distribution.
In this regard, Mr. Rader is establishing a thoroughly professional,
well-organized "media analysis and coordination team" which will
include the leadership of the ministry, including Mr. C. Wayne Cole
in the core group and Mr. Art Mokarow in the support group, as well
as the n�st competent people from publishing, editorial, television
and media, subscriber services, data processing, accounting, legal,
etc. I am personally pleased that Mr. Armstrong has approved Mr.
Rader's recommendation that I be assigned to assist him in a variety
of activities including the coordination of these areas.
As we know, effective and efficient utilization of media, in the
broadest sense of the term, is an essential part of "doing the Work."
We shall strive to improve all present programs: half hour TV; half
hour radio; spot commercials; print ads; PT newsstands; PT and GN
content; booklets; correspondence course; subscriber services; etc.
-- and investigate new techniques and innovative ideas, such as direct
mail (which preliminary tests show to be very promising), booklets
in supermarkets, special Bible-teaching TV programs, �tc. Thus Mr.
Armstrong will put his full efforts into evaluating all aspects of
media for the express purpose of maximizing results, thereby doing
the Work stronger than ever.
The media team will be meeting regularly. Carefully prepared agendas
will be distributed several days before each meeting. Presentations
will be made, and open and free discussions encouraged. Summaries
will be distributed following each meeting and then excerpted for
the Pastor's Report. We plan to involve the ministry in terms of
creative input for more effective utilization of, and feedback about,
our various media programs.
Under Mr. Armstrong's overall policy direction, with the utilization
of our most telented and competent people, and with the freedom for
full creativity, God's Church should experience great growth in the
months and years ahead.
--Robert Kuhn
Greetings again fellow ministers:
Since I have missed getting something in the last couple of
issues of the Pastor's Report, I wanted to be sure to write to you in
this one.