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it? I have written on this subject before -- I cited such men as
Jack Elliott
who rendered service equal to or superior to that of
a minister! Is Mr. Rader of lesser value than any one of you ministers
to the Work? I asked you, above, WHICH of you could render service
to God's Church equal to his? Whenever I find Mr. Rader a handicap
and not a help to God's Work and His Church, I will terminate him -­
and I won't need your condemnation of him to do it.
Finally, listen to what God says to us:
"Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil
of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and
judgeth the law •..• There is ONE LAWGIVER" {James 4:11-12) -- and
neither you nor I are that Lawgiver!
"...speak evil of no man" (Titus 3: 2) .
I apologize to Mr. Rader for the slurs, insults, and character
defamation he has suffered in order to SERVE ME, and with me SERVE
Oh yes, one thing more. On behest of Garner Ted Armstrong, an
attorney in Dallas was retained to CHECK UP on the original financing
deal of the Falcon aircraft -- about 1968. After thorough investi­
gation this attorney reported to us that in no way did Mr. Rader
profit from this transaction, and no factors were done "under cover."
I have this attorney's letter completely exonerating Mr. Rader from
any wrong doing as he had been falsely accused.
If any of you have EVIDENCE, or PROOF of anything, more than
hearsay, against Mr. Rader, come forth with it, and I will deal
accordingly. If not, and y9u still want to go along in condemning
him, I will be happy to accept your resignation. I have spoken
plainly this time. The one who spread this slander against Mr. Rader
has been exconununicated. As God told ancient Israel to put evil away
from their midst, Christ through me is going to put these evils out
of our midst! I would appreciate a personal letter from each of you
on this matter.
* * * * *
Armstrong's leadership and direction, several changes are being
made which should significantly strengthen the day-by-day adminis­
tration and future growth of the Work. The primary objective of these
changes is to maximize the capacity of our individual department heads
to function as effectively and efficiently as possible and as a
coherent unit.
In the Financial Affairs area, Mr. Armstrong has elimianted the office
of "Vice-President" and Mr. Stanley Rader, in his current position
as Treasurer of the Church, will continue as the chief financial
officer. Mr. Ray Wright, continuing in his responsibilities in
Financial Affairs, has become Mr. Rader's deputy. Furthermore, Mr.
Armstrong has asked Mr. Rader to coordinate for him all media
activities of the Work on a day-by-day basis. This is particularly