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Appreciation for the Ministerial Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I want to express my thanks and appreciation for the opportunity that I
received in attending session 13 of the Ministerial Refresher Program.
As the many others who have had this opportunity, I also received much­
needed knowledge and assistance in understanding the duties and respon­
sibilities of a minister in God's Church.
The class sessions were very well organized and presented in such a
manner that it became very evident God inspired the speaking and lis­
tening, as well as the content.
Each of the men who presented the
lectures displayed an excellent, positive example to all of us present
regarding the importance of our being obedient to God's government and
being loyal to you, His Apostle. The sessions were exciting, informa­
tive, and presented with much enthusiasm and commitment.
Thank you very much also for taking time from your busy schedule to
speak to us. I had never had the opportunity to hear and see you speak
in a small group setting before and that was certainly the highlight of
the whole conference. We were all glad that your vitality and speaking
power was as fine as ever.
The message that you gave us was very
encouraging, positive, and uplifting.
The Garden Grove congregation is solidly behind you under the guidance
of Mr. Terry Mattson, our pastor, who is doing an excellent job. We are
praying that God will continue to give you strength, wisdom, and under­
standing as He uses you in leading His Church under Jesus Christ in this
end time.
Dan Salcedo
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I wish to add our thanks to you and your assistants for
making the refresher program a splendid experience. When we left the
campus for the airport to return home, it was as if we were leaving the
Millennium. I have since been able to pass on all updates and pertinent
information from it to -the brethren, as have others who previously
I know that what I am saying here others have already communicated in
letters of appreciation, but I did want to add my personal comments.
Braden and Georgia Veller
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Just a short note to thank you and all the others very much for the
refresher program. Not only was it marvellous to hear the "truth once
delivered" and be updated, but also to imbibe of the wonderful atmos­
phere that now so obviously pervades headquarters at Pasadena.
loyalty to God's Apostle, the simplicity of approach and the sincerity
and warmth were a delight to see.