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Threats From Disfellowshipped Member
Mr. Armstrong has received a letter from a disfellowshipped member, threat­
ening by implication to publicly disclose certain vile, false rumors he
professes to have received by hearsay, unless the following conditions are
met within 48 hours:
He demands restoration to fellowship in good standing. He demands publish­
ing in the PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT a notice of his reinstatement, in good
standing. He demands we report to you that his disfellowshipment was in
error without proper cause, which is a demand that we lie to you.
demands that we restore both his job and his salary.
Obviously God's Church refuses to bow to. threats. You might look up in a
large unabridged dictionary the definition of "blackmail."
This notice
need not be announced unless such false slander and accusations are made
publicly. This is stated only to aid ministers to aid the brethren should
he or others carry out such threats. Satan is constantly striking at and
persecuting God's people through evil hearts of men.
International News
News From French-speaking Areas Wednesday, August fifth, on their return
trip from Paris where they received Mr. Armstrong on his European trip, Mr.
and Mrs. Apartian flew to Montreal where they were very warmly received.
The following Friday Mr. Apartian conducted a conference for all franco­
phone ministers, deacons and wives. Discussions were held on doctrinal
subjects as well as preparations for the Feast of Tabernacles. On the
Sabbath there were 531 people present to hear Mr. Apartian speak.
To date this year in the French Work worldwide there have been 57 baptisms,
7,335 are enrolled in the Bible Correspondence Course, 338 donors have been
added making a total of 1,028, and 67 new co-workers have also been added
giving us a total of 2,128 for the French-speaking area of God's Work.
In Guadeloupe, Mr. Dubois, pastor of the two churches, informs us that he
received 392 letters for the first six months of this year in comparison to
325 for all of 1980. This is an average increase of 240%. This increase is
mainly due to God opening the door for the French broadcast on Radio
Caraibes Guadeloupe. Because of the poverty and illiteracy, every letter
represents many more people who are also listening to the broadcast.
In France, 2,000 new subscr-ibers have been added to La PURE VERITE since
July 1980 as a result of the card-holder displays at three different
exhibitions in Paris and Toulouse. These new additions to our files are
part of the 11,400 we have added since that date (excluding Canada).
The French language radio broadcast is once again aired over Radio Luxem­
bourg every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:00 to 5:15 a.m. The shortwave pro­
gram will continue until the end of the year.