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Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I have just returned last week to Germany from the United
States having taken part in the 11th refresher program! We just wanted
to drop you a note of deep appreciation for the opportunity to be in­
structed by men who are truly dedicated to doing God's Work! There was
no question as to the unity of spirit and purpose that was evident among
the ministry! We are thankful to be a small part of such a fine group
of men and women.
The brethren in Switzerland are al�ays anxious to hear about what you
are doing and how you are feeling. We have assured them that God is
most powerfully working through you. Everyone is anxious to see and
hear you in Bonn on August first! Our prayers are with you daily.
Tom and Linda Lapacka
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Carol and I want to say thank you very much for instituting the Minis­
terial Refresher Program. We felt privileged to be a part of session
13. Your speaking to us on the state of the Work was truly the high­
light of the program. We in the field have a real need to be able to
touch base with headquarters. By hearing Church doctrine expounded by
the evangelists makes our work easier because now we can return to our
churches with confidence knowing that we are speaking the same thing.
We deeply appreciate the love and concern you certainly show your sons
and daughters in the ministry.
Vince and Carol Szymkowiak
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you so much for the Ministerial Refresher Program. It provided a
boost of encouragement and a sense of direction and focus that we all
needed. We were very grateful to have you in to speak to us just prior
to your departure for England. A lot of planning and effort has been
put into the refresher program, and I know it will be well worth it.
Thanks also goes to Mr. Blackwell, Mr. Tkach, Mr. Neff, Dr. Hoeh and
others who gave of their time, lectured, and spoke candidly on the sub­
ject at hand. We are looking forward to a repeat performance!
Ray A. Meyer
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
Members are very
receptive to information about Mr. Armstrong and headquarters.
immensely impressed with progress they see being made both spiritually
and in doing the Work. They feel reassured by the stability and God­
directed effort they see in all areas of the Work.
GARDEN GROVE, CA--TERRY MATTSON: PM growth continues to be overwhelm­
ing! For everyone baptized a new PM replaces them. Brethren are ex­
cited about the growth because they can see it with their own eyes-­
transcending just statistics. Noticeable improvement in family rela­
tions. It's becoming more and more obvious that God is moving through
Mr. Armstrong to fulfill Malachi 4:5-6. Almost everyone seems to be
working for family unity.