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****To Be Announced In All U.S. Churches****
All member second tithe assistance requests should be
handled through the local pastors before the Feast of
Tabernacles. Members should not go to the feast without
sufficient funds expecting assistance at the festival
site. Only limited funds for genuine emergencies will
be available at the festival location, and then only
with the local pastor's recommendation.
Appreciation for the Ministerial Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Every week upon receiving the PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT I was excited
about reading it. I noticed that week after week there were numerous
comments about the refresher program. After reading a couple of the
comments I began to skip over them. But since I have been blessed to
attend the 10th session, I now understand why so many have written to
show their appreciation and thanks to our great God and you.
Several times I started to write and thank you but something would
interfere. I would feel very undeserving and unworthy if I do not give
thanks to God's Apostle, the instructors and participants for making
the 10th session of the refresher program mentally stimulating and
spiritually rewarding--truly a most memorable experience.
Dolphus Williamson
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you very much for allowing us to attend the 12th session of the
Ministerial Refresher Program. We experienced a feeling of love and
unity that was outstanding.
Since many of the ministers were from
other countries, the spirit of unity was intensified as we became
acquainted with our brethren from other nations.
We felt especially blessed to have you there to speak to us last Wednes­
day. As I watched and listened to you speak, I realized that I was
watching and hearing a miracle, as I think back and realize you were
dead and God brought you back to LIFE to finish the job He has given
you. So it was doubly inspiring when I witnessed what God has done, and
is continuing to do through you.
Cecil and Ruth Green