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Weekly Letter Comments
Mr. Armstrong's 1981 telecasts are having an increasing impact. This week's
comments feature some of the responses from the U.S., Canada and Australia.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Response to 1981 Telecasts
can't tell you how much
look forward
Sunday evenings to hear you
deliver the true meaning and proof of the message given in the Bible.
It holds me spellbound and enchanted; it is surprising and startling!
(Rosedale, NY)
I am 71 years old and I get up every Sunday to hear you on TV. I am
Catholic and must say I enjoy your sermons. I've learned more about the
Bible in the short time I've listened to you than
ever knew about it
H.M. (Dubuque, IA)
Last night I tuned in to Channel 9 and caught your telecast. There is
no doubt in my mind that God directed me to do so. You dealt with a
subject which always somewhat confused me--the subject of the Kingdom
of God. After listening to you not only was the confusion cleared away,
but I was fired up to study the subject anew.
I.M. (Queens Village, NY)
In the last TV program we viewed, you explained vividly the parallel
between the joining of the egg and sperm in the womb and the joining of
God's Holy Spirit with the spirit in man--the beginning of a temporary,
chemical existence and the beginning of real, eternal life. I thought
this program was unique. It certainly was an attention-getter!
course, I have heard you explain this before in a taped Bible study and
also by our minister, but to view it all on TV in this special way was
certainly a pleasure and very inspiring. Thank you very much for this
L.W. (St. John's, Canada)
have watched most of the religious programs offered on TV. Some are
outlandishly obvious in the way they falsify Christian teachings.
Others are more subtle, but nonetheless fail to ring true.
For the first time, after listening to Herbert W. Armstrong, I feel
that the words spoken ring true. I am interested in learning about your
church and would appreciate receiving whatever information you can send
F.I. (Toronto, Canada)
I must tell you that for the first time in my life, through your TV
broadcasts, I'm finding the Bible coming alive!
In reading the Bible I feel I often miss important words and find no
connections between the verses. Thank God you are providing that for