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ministry and His Church for
thankful to be a part of it.
the big job remaining.
We are very
Our prayers are with you daily.
Gene and Jan Noel
Dear Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
I want to express to both of you, on behalf of my wife and myself, our
appreciation for the refresher program. It was both refreshing and
We preachers need to be preached to, too. The program helped me to
refocus my mind on our awesome purpose and calling. It was tremendous
to be given the old basic material again, which isn't old, but always
new! I especially appreciated Mr. Blackwell, Dr. Hoeh, Mr. Tkach, Mr.
LaRavia, Mr. Neff and Mr. McNair "holding up the arms of Mr. Arm­
They all gave us the "mind" of Mr. Armstrong in their
presentations. It was very helpful to me to be able to see and hear
how Mr. Armstrong views things, how he has handled things, what his
thinking is in relation to doctrine, church policy and administration.
What we were given in the program was "back on the track," and in some
cases, 180 degrees different from what we were told to administer
under a previous, liberal administration.
How great it is to be given definite leadership and guidelines in
regard to church doctrine, teaching, and policy!
I am thankful to God for Mr. Armstrong's leadership and his dedication
to God and to God's truth and ways.
Without that leadership, the
Church would not be getting "back on the track."
Thank you, Mr.
Armstrong and Mr. Tkach, for your efforts and leadership in the Church
and in the ministry.
Your leadership was and is reflected in the unity and brotherhood we
saw among all at headquarters. That unity and togetherness is in­
spiring to see and to come in contact with. Everyone appeared to be
"pulling together" to do the Work and to build the Church. Everyone
treated us as a brother or sister, which really is inspiring to
Richard and Betty Duncan
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Warm regards from England. We hope we're not too late to express our
grateful thanks for being able to attend the 11th session of the
refresher programme. It was all over too soon, but was in every way a
marvellous experience. Mr. Armstrong is due over in London in a few
weeks, so perhaps we'll get to thank him personally then. With our
companions on the Programme, Bob and Margaret Harrison of the Liver­
pool church, we felt this 11th session was particularly blessed with
unexpected bonuses for all the men and wives along the way--the
graduation ceremonies presided over by Mr. Armstrong, the graduation
ball, the chorale concert, the audience participation in the Young
Ambassadors film, a Disneyland visit, the privilege of attending
studies and services in the Auditorium: plus of course being joined in
the class by many resident faculty members and other ministers and
their wives.