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taking a stroll across the campus in the early morning, or walking
through one of the buildings, or taking a Bible study or Sabbath
service. We knew it was headquarters!
With the dramatic and encouraging growth worldwide, and the team God
has given you at headquarters, it really does feel as though we are on
the home stretch of the Work.
Robert J. Millman
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Kay and I would like to thank you for the opportunity to come into
Pasadena for the 11th session of the refresher program. We feel we
were especially blessed to be able to attend the graduation exercises
and hear your address on "Education For Life!" We also enjoyed your
talk to our refresher class as a group.
The example you set for the rest of us to follow is outstanding! I
know how tired I get traveling between two churches and speaking
several times as during this past holy day season. Yet you keep going
on and on visiting outlying areas, speaking in Pasadena, attending
socials, speaking at special holy day gatherings, writing, writing and
writing, as well as dealing with all the major aspects of this
worldwide Work! Our prayers are for you as we ask God to continue to
strengthen you and guide you in your work leading us! Please know that
we do appreciate all of your hard work, energy, and sacrifice over the
past 54 years. Without you, we wouldn't be here! Thank you!
Thanks again for the vast amount of information given to us at the
I figure my pages of notes on over 35 subjects are the
equivalent of the average church member hearing over two years worth
of sermons. It was very stimulating mentally and will really help us
to teach, feed and help the brethren in this area!
We'd also like to thank Mr. Tkach, Mr. Blackwell, Dr. Hoeh, Mr. Neff,
Mr. McNair and all the others assisting you in this important Work,
for their helpful service and dedication!
Norm and Kay Strayer
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife Jan and I thank you very much for establishing the very fine
refresher program for God's ministers and their wives. It was a great
experience with a "gold mine" of knowledge and information given to
us. We truly felt privileged to be there being taught by faithful and
loyal servants of God and again enjoying the beautiful college that
God has established through you. We were happy to be able to see and
hear you on three separate occasions just before your trip to AusĀ­
tralia, and to hear you expound the understanding God has given you
about the gift of eternal life.
We very much appreciated the
opportunity of learning this and other truths directly from you.
One of the real highlights of the whole session was the opportunity to
spend a lot of time with about 40 other ministers and their wives
including, of course, all of the individuals who taught us. We can
clearly see how God is strengthening, unifying and preparing His