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issue of The GOOD NEWS in a readily accessible place, so that it will
be available for future reference.
D.M. (Medford, OR)
The articles in The GOOD NEWS get better and better! The magazine is a
welcome sight every time I see the next issue in the mail.
articles give me hope and security. Keep up the good work.
R.F. (Boone, IA)
Examples of God's Healing Power
One year ago this March, I was told that I had cancer of the bone, and
that my bones were deteriorating. When I found this out, I wrote Mr.
Armstrong a letter and received a prayer cloth.
I did what was
instructed. I decided not to have an operation and trusted God for my
At that time I could not bathe myself, dress, or even shave. Now, one
year later, since God has touched my body, I can claim a complete
healing through Jesus Christ. By His stripes I am healed. Not only
can I do the necessary things for myself now, but can cut wood, split
logs and do mechanical work as well as anything else that comes up.
I want to thank God for His wonderful healing power, and I want to
thank the Worldwide Church of God for their prayers.
J.H. (Dalton, GA)
Some time ago, I wrote telling you that my husband was going into the
hospital and that he had cancer. The last x-ray showed something that
the doctors didn't like the looks of. When we heard the doctor's bad
news, we prayed night and day.
Then, right before he went to the hospital, we received a reassuring
letter from your staff. Mr. Armstrong, I can't tell you how happy and
grateful to God I was, when the doctors told me that my husband was
found clear and clean of cancer.
Mrs. M.C. (Joppa, MD)
I had sent for an anointed cloth recently and was not expecting to be
well enough to attend services that week, but God healed me within an
hour. How humbling! My head cleared and my mouth, which was swollen
and blistered, became normal when I stood up after my noon prayer. It
was exciting! I called a family to come and pick me up and was so
thankful to be able to attend church!
Mrs. D.M. (Rochester, MN)
Youth 81 We have just passed the half-way mark in the first year's pro­
duction of the new YOUTH 81 magazine for the Church's teens. Mr. Armstrong
continues to be pleased with the publication and plans to increase its
size. That means, of course, that we need more articles from you. They