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MELBOURNE, FL--CRAIG L. BACHELLER: The brethren are beginning to grasp the
need to trust totally in God and His ways, rather than getting so wrapped up
in the "cares and riches of this world."
Some have been forced to make
stands and decisions
lately to test
this and
have been
Weekly Letter Comments
New Telecasts Continue to Have Impact
'! had to write and tell you how much we have enjoyed watching the
telecast on Sunday mornings. Yesterday was only the second program
aired, and I compare it to an oasis in the middle of a visual desert
(television in general). We look forward to many more exciting and
refreshing lessons that God has revealed through you in His Word.
Mrs. A.M. (Oklahoma City, OK)
We have been viewing your show for about a year but we really started
by accident. I was looking through the TV guide to see what was aired
on Sunday night when I came across a program called "World Tomorrow."
The title sounded interesting so my husband and I began viewing your
shew. Now we wouldn't miss it for anything. We have changed our
outlook on life, and are beginning to understand the purpose of our
Mr. and Mrs. V.D. (Lake Ron Kon Koma, NY)
I really enjoyed your television show on the book of Revelation today.
There seems to be much urgency and zeal in the new programs, and I know
that Jesus Christ is inspiring this.
The telecasts are excellent. They are well organized, to the point
and full of God's strong truth. I really enjoy the film and graphic
inserts--they make God's Word come alive in a new way.
May God
continue to bless you and His Work.
G.L. (Morrilton, AR)
Members Cherish GOOD NEWS Magazine
The article, "Why Many Don't Understand Pentecost," in the May 1981
GOOD NEWS, is so chock-full of information.
God's inspiration and
your years of experience in writing have allowed you to cover so much
in so few pages of print. Each time I reread it, new thoughts and
nuggets of truth open up.
S.M. (Kerman, CA)
Your article on Pentecost is one of the most knowledge-packed, single
articles I have read! If ever I had a question unanswered, you have
cleared it up with this one writing.
Thank you, sir, for your courage and tenacity concerning God's Master
Plan for humanity. Thank you for sharing this priceless knowledge
with us and for working so hard to help us understand so that we will
overcome and be able to enter God's Kingdom. I will keep my May 1981