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Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I would like to thank you and the team working with you for
the very fine refresher program that has been put together. The value
of updating and thoroughly covering the subject matter presented will
help us to better serve God's people for years to come. It's obvious
Christ wants his ministry and Church around the world to be evenly
grounded in all matters of the truth. We learned many new points on
basic subjects that we had not heard before. We felt the course was
very thorough, very sound, and very positive in strengthening the
ministry. Again, we want to thank you and all those who worked on
lectures and necessary preparations which made this course a real
Jim and Lois Haeffele
Dear Mr. Tkach:
This is just a short note to thank you and those assisting you in the
Ministerial Refresher Program.
I've just completed the tenth session and I consider it a great
personal blessing to have been at headquarters and to have been taught
by men of deep commitment and long experience. I feel better equipped
now to assist my pastor, Mr. Dan Rogers, as he imparts the certainty of
the Church's calling, hope, doctrines and commission to God's people.
This was my first visit to the College, so I'm thankful also that the
program is being extended to the elders not employed by the Church.
Jim Baldwin
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Thank you for the opportunity to attend the tenth session of the
refresher program. I was much inspired to see the team spirit in the
lecturers and staff of all departments. They all showed a willingness
to assist in any way they could. Please pass on my thanks to all.
To see the 100% support of Mr. Armstrong truly gives us a confidence
that God's will is being done.
The refesher program instills
motivation in the local ministry which should spread in the Church
worldwide. Thanks again.
Robert Collins
Mr. Armstrong's Visit to Lake of the Ozarks
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I just wanted to drop a note in the mail and thank you very much for
coming to the Lake of the Ozarks. We appreciate the love that you have
for the brethren and ministry in sacrificing your time to be with us.
Your talk to us in the ministry was extremely helpful. The wisdom God
has given you is profound. It touched both my wife and me when you
told us you missed lunch because of the time zone differences. The
zeal and spirit of sacrifice that is the hallmark of your ministry is
an example to the rest of us.