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Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I would like to sincerely thank you for the Ministerial
Refresher Program we were able to attend. We considered it a tre­
mendous opportunity to learn from notes of your conferences of years
past and from men that have been faithful ministers for so many years.
The program was "refreshing" because we know God personally directed
you to approve the sessions by discussing with our teachers many vital
points to bring out.
God certainly inspired every class and the whole program. The minis­
ters who taught us were enthusiastic, excited and showed the unity
that only God's spirit can bring. Thank you again for putting us all
back on God's track.
Tom and Charlene Melear
Dear Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
We can hardly believe the three weeks of the refresher program are
over (session 11). We had anticipated this being an enriching ex­
perience, but it was better, far better, than we had expected. The
classes, the contact with our fellow elders, the fine example of
Messers. Tkach, Blackwell, Hoeh, Neff, Helge, Webber, Matthews,
McNair, Albrecht and "the staff," the Wednesday night socials, grad­
uation exercises, etc., etc. were all outstanding.
The defensive
driving course with Jim Snook was very helpful, and Jim's pleasant
personality made it extra interesting. We really felt our "well" was
replenished with more of the valuable "water of life," and now we can
dispense it to our brethren whom we have the privilege of serving.
And to our beloved Mr. Armstrong, we gratefully thank you for the
vision and courage you have demonstrated in building Ambassador
College and the Auditorium. The campus and headquarters of God's Work
is such an uplifting environment.
They have a
quality beyond compare. Mr. LaRavia and his staff are certainly doing
an exemplary job of following your directives and goals. Thank you
most of all, Mr.
Armstrong, for faithfully following Christ's
leadership so that we could learn the values and lessons needed to be
faithful shepherds of God's flock.
As you said so lovingly and
powerfully in Stockton, California on the day of Pentecost, we must
remain "small in our own eyes and keep those eyes on Jesus Christ."
Listening to you and watching your example is clearly showing us how
to do this.
Thank you again for your steadfast devotion to your calling. We have
all been blessed greatly as a result of it. Truly, as Proverbs 29:2
tells us, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice."
We are strengthened and refreshed as a direct result of the "re­
fresher," and from the bottom of our hearts we thank you all for making
it possible!
Marc and Lisa Segall