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Then what seems prophetically likely, is.that a strong conser­
vative leader will suggest a save the church. Let the
Vatican take the lead in un·iting the nations of Europe· into a
political UNION.
Two Popes have failed to achieve ecumenical religious union.
Why not now turn to lead in POLITICAL UNION, on condition that the
resurrected "Holy Roman Empire" be a UNION OFCHURCH AND STATE!
A political union, with a c6nnnon monetary currency -- in all
probability the German MARK -- with a common MILITARY FORCE to protect
not only political Europe but also Catholicism against encroaching
COMMUNISM! Communism is perhaps a bigger threat to Catholicism than
to political Europe.
But also, this political union will put the Catholic Church right
back in the saddle as it was from 554 to 1814
with the power of
police and military to enforce its decrees!
At one bold stroke, this would solidify the Roman Catholic Church
and its strife from within, protect it from communist encroachment,
and elevate it to a position of pinnacle POWER, heading what may well
Of course the liberals will object to this enforcement of the
Catholic faith, if it is to enforce the traditional conservative
doctrines. The conservative Cardinals may give some ground. This
meeting of the College of Catholic Cardinals may emerge with� slightly
changed Catholic doctrine -- but the traditional conservatism will
probably carry the balance of power, in what emerges from this Cardinal
The meeting of the Catholic College of Cardinals in the Sistine
Chapel at the Vatican may well prove to be a WORLD-SHAKING EVENT -­
the most important world event since World War II!
In the panorama of prophesied world events, the next prophesied
event IS the restoration of the "Holy Roman Empire" as"a"""new "United
Statesof Europe!
After that
The update of the free booklet United States and Britain in Pro­
pheSY_," contains the eye-opening and supremely TIMELY ANSWER!
(Editor's Note: Since the preceding Personal is to appear in the
December PLAIN TRUTH, Mr. Armstrong wanted the ministry to have advance
opportunity to read it.)
* * * * *
There has been a systematic effort to destroy the reputations of Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong and those closest to him. This effort was spear­
headed by Garner Ted Armstrong, but aided and abetted by those seeking