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old "Holy Roman Empire" was again delayed. Pope Paul continued with
Pope John's ecumenical union project. But that was not to be accom­
Few realize it, but GOD ALMIGHTY is the one w.ith power to make
and unmake nations and kingdoms. God allows many things. He has
allowed Satan to continue for the entire 6,000 years during which,
on Adam's choice, God sentenced the whole world -- except such as God
for special service should call -- to be cut off from God.
And sometimes God delays· -- holds up -- impending events which He
has foretold. In the seventh chapter of Revelation, in order of time
sequence of prophesied events, the time had come for the seven "trumpet"
plagues. But, in this "history-in-advance" account, God is shown
delaying these plagues until the sealing of the 144,000, and another
innumerable multitude.
On the other hand, God reserves the prerogative to speed� events
when His purpose requires. And we may well be at the very time of
this prophecy now: "For He t_God7 will finish the work, and cut it
short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon
the earth" (Rom. 9:28).
It has been, these past fifteen years, appearing that God was
holding� world events that are prophesied to come -- delaying them
to allow time for CHRIST'S GOSPEL MESSAGE to be delivered over the
entire world. As in Matthew 24:14, "This gospel of the kingdom shall
be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then
shall the end /_of the present, evil world7 come."
But during Pope Paul's reign the Roman Catholic Church ran into
unprecedented strife-torn troubles from within. Many priests were
starting a liberal movement. Quite a number were marrying, contrary
to Catholic law. Many nurns were marrying. Probably 90% to 98%
(there are estimates only, and they vary) of the Catholic laity
neglected completely to follow the traditional church doctrine that
the sexual union, even in marriage, must be solely for procreation -­
and any other use is decreed sin, even though venial.
Also, Pope Paul faced at the opposite extreme a power group of
Cardinals and Bishops and priests, who stood unalterably for tradi­
tional conservative Catholic tradition. Pope Paul walked the tight­
rope, but did manage to hold the church together, though torn within
by dissent and opposing power struggles.
What kind of Pope will the College of Cardinals elect now? (This
is written prior to that election). Some Cardinals and Bishops are
saying they hope it will be another middle-of-the-roader like Paul -­
but there seems agreement that is not likely.
What does seem more likely to me, as an observer and one who
understands what is prophesied, is that in the privacy of the locked-in
Sistine Chapel, there will be sharp contention -- a heated power
struggle from both liberal and conservative camps. It will threaten
to split the church right down the middle. Neither side will, in the
first few days, give ground.