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The brethren were very encouraged and
inspired by Mr. Armstrong's film; also by Mr. Waterhouse's Bible
study. Even though the area is hurt by unemployment, the offering on
the last Day of Unleavened Bread was the highest ever--23% over last
One of our four-year-old girls was
struck out of her shoes and socks by a car traveling 40 m.p.h, knocking
her 30 feet through the air! She appeared dead at first. One week
later she was running and playing with her friends with no injuries at
all. Highest Holy Day offering given on both first and last days of
Unleavened Bread. We gave a 33% increase over last year, and this
during much harder times!
CHICO/EUREKA, CA--MARC SEGALL: We really appreciated having Mr. Rod
Matthews as a guest speaker for the Passover service and the next
day's Sabbath service. He made all the brethren feel the concern of
the leadership at Headquarters and helped us to see the Work of God
from a worldwide perspective.
We have been trying to guide the
brethren to be concerned for God
s Work and people in all the many
nations where His Church has grown.
LAKE OF THE OZARKS, MO--JAMES E. KISSEE: The past few months have seen
a great leap forward in the serving attitude. This is reflected in the
care and concern we have seen when others are sick and afflicted or
otherwise in need. The brethren are helping in whatever way they can,
whether it be in prayers, food or a physical service.
Our Bluefield teenagers are
showing outstanding enthusiasm and excellent attitudes. We were very
pleased with all of the Y.O.U. members who participated in the DisĀ­
trict Tournament and activities. The sportsmanlike conduct was the
best in the last several years.
Weekly Letter Comments
Comments From New Members
It is with great joy and happiness that I have recently been baptized
and become a member of God's Church. I look upon baptism as the real
beginning of life. If God had not called me and conquered my mind, I
would not be writing this letter today. There is no doubt in my mind
that you (Mr. Armstrong) are God
s chosen apostle and that this is
God's Church.
G.L. (Washington, DC)
I am newly baptized in the Church. I am so overjoyed to give what I
can to the Work to help other people like me to understand the truth
and why we
re here. I really thank God for calling me out of this
world, and I thank you (Mr. Armstrong) for publishing the literature.
This is why I see such a need for tithes and offerings for the Work.
Mrs. J.P. (Shreveport, LA)
Recently I became a member of God's Church by being baptized in
Lenoir, North Carolina. This was the most wonderful day of my life,
knowing that I had become one of God's own Spirit-begotten children.