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Dear Mr. Tkach:
Greetings from rain-soaked Lagos, Nigeria!
Many weeks have elapsed since we left Pasadena, having attended the
ninth Session of the Ministerial Refresher Programme, but as we review
and compare notes, the thrill and excitement is rekindled. There is
so much to teach God's people here and time seems so short!
Thank you, Mr. Tkach, for taking the time to talk to us--and more
importantly for sacrificing time to listen to us. Our thanks, too, to
all the ministers who fed us so bountifully--both physically and
spiritually! We have made new friends, renewed the old, and eagerly
look forward to the blessing of "round two" in the not-too-distant
We have witnessed a strong bond established between the entire min­
istry of God's Church. What better platform do we need to ignite the
"homeward stretch" mentioned by Mr. Herbert
Our prayer is that the Spirit of God will continue to work mightily in
spreading this oneness of purpose worldwide to the congregations, just
as your team has presented it to the ministry from God's only Apostle.
Lateef and Yvonne Edalere
�nts From Monthly Church Reports
PORTLAND (WEST), OR--DAN FRICKE: As God stirs Mr. Armstrong and he
stirs us, the overall attitude and involvement of the members cont­
inues to improve. The attendance continues to increase with many new
people beginning to come through member contact. Numerous members are
out of work because of the sluggishness of the economy, yet the Holy
Day offerings were better than ever, again showing that the members
have their hearts in the Work.
10NTVALE, NJ--LLOYD BRIGGIE: Members are wholehearted in their sup­
lort for Mr. Armstrong and the Work God is doing through him. There is
rreater personal affection for him as members hear from him more and
1ore and pray for him. There are some HARD trials that a number of
embers are going through--unconverted mates, family illnesses, fal­
ing down in personal areas of weakness: Satan seems to be pressing
arder against God's children.
)RTLAND (EAST), OR--JIM HAEFFELE: Everyone was very excited to have
:. Armstrong in Salem for services. There have been many very good
)Inments about how good he looks, the energy he shows, and especially
1e new points of understanding he is bringing out about the Phila­
!lphia era of God's Church and Revelation 12.
NSAS CITY (EAST), KS--RUSSELL DUKE: Everyone was very pleased with
e video from Mr. Armstrong.
It was especially effective in the
aller groups compared to the Feast. They could see him clearly and
Jerstand him plainly, without distractions. Sure hope we can do it
�in. It was also timely, just before Passover.