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Thank you for being frank and straightforward. If more TV pastors
were like you, I know we would have a better knowledge of the Word of
God. I would very much like to have the pamphlets you offered--THE
Mrs. S.H. (Hot Springs, KS)
I'm very sorry to admit that we have never seen your program and the
Easter program was our first. It was about the most honest, inspiring
and "tell-it-like-it-is" sermon that my husband and I have ever heard.
I want you to know that I believe we're not far off from those "last
days" and I feel it's such a pity that so many people live only from
day to day and have such a self-centered "me-myself-and-I" attitude.
I think your program will get quite a few people "off on the right
foot," so to speak, when it comes right down to the true meaning of
religion. Also, I feel you're doing all that is in your power to wake
a lot of people up and bring them "back to reality"!
Mrs. K.M. (Parker, KS)
Third Tithe Year Blessings
This is our fourth third tithe year and God is blessing us as usual.
It seems like I've got all the business I can handle right now and may
have to hire more help to keep up.
I have a small construction company, and while the construction in­
dustry seems to be going down nationwide, mine is going up. I give God
the credit for our success.
J.C. (San Antonio, TX)
At the end of the 1980 festival season, my family and I entered a third
tithe year.
In early December, my wife lost her job, and since I am a free lance
writer and communications consultant, we were without a regular in­
come. But we didn't lose faith. We depended upon God's promises, and
like the loving, outstanding Father that He is, He has simply poured
blessings upon us.
Spiritually, our family is closer to God and each other than we've
ever been. We have been given opportunities to grow and to use God's
Spirit that are absolutely mind-boggling.
Financially, God has blessed us so that within two weeks, after going
into January and February with no income, we have been able to pay off
our family vehicle, clear a loan and pay the rent through October.
Professionally, my wife and I have joined together in the consultant
business, and things are going well.
We are looking forward to more and more blessings, not because we
necessarily deserve hem, but because our Father is a rewarder of them
who diligently seek Him.
M.J. (Charlotte, NC)