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Three unemployed men have now gone into business and are booming with
success. Several others have received significant raises. The tide
seemed to have turned when I urged the congregation to pray for a 30%
financial growth in the area. God has answered.
Everyone seems to be on an emotional
"high" right now. This is because of the holy day season--Passove�
etc.--and people are just drawing closer to God. We have sent an
official invitation to Mr. Armstrong with more than 1,000 signatures
requesting his visit to this area.
Everyone is certainly excited
about that possibility.
MIDDLESBORO, KY--MEL DAHLGREN: We really appreciate every issue of The
PLAIN TRUTH and GOOD NEWS; they are spiritually power packed! Our
thanks to those who are allowing God to work through them in providing
these sermons in print form.
W;:ST: Good growth. Have baptized 3� times more
people in the first 4 months of this year than last year. The offering
on the first holy day was the largest ever taken up in Tupelo.
COOKEVILLE, TN--DARRIS McNEELY: A few members who had dropped out of
the Cookeville church several years ago have now returned realizing
their need for the Church.
Weekly Letter Comments
Mr. Armstrong
s recent telecast showing why Easter is pagan prompted sev­
eral first-time viewers to write, expressing how much they appreciated
hearing the truth expounded. Many were impressed by his frank, straight­
forward approach. In our last selection of comments brethren share the
many ways God has blessed them while faithfully obeying His law regarding
third tithe.
New Telecast on Origins of Easter Sparks Interest
Having just returned from sunrise services, I turned on your program
and was surprised, and rather guilty, to find out that what I did was
wrong. I listened very hard and tried to put things together as you
were explaining about the resurrection and what Easter meant.
Please send me copies of your booklets on the resurrection and Easter
so my pastor and I can study them.
I enjoy your TV program and think that you are the most honest speaker
and pastor I hear these days. Thank you and God bless.
Mrs. J. G. (Niles, MI)
I watched your program for the first time and I tell you honestly, I
will never miss another one. You are the first pastor I've seen on TV
that really got down to what the Bible says and really explained it.
You also don't make a person feel uncomfortable and guilty for not
having money to obtain highly needed information.
I will tell everyone I can about your program.