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Today, God's people meet on a regular basis in fourteen congregations
throughout New Zealand. The Feast of Tabernacles is held at four sites, and
a Summer Educational Program is held for the youth of the Church, as well as
other youth activities. Over 200 young people receive YOUTH 81 magazine
and regularly attend church services.
God is continuing to bless His Work in this part of the world as we seek to
be "on the track" behind you, His Apostle. Income has been increasing at
approximately 30% per annum since January 1979 (1979--28.2%; 1980--27.4%).
To date in 1981, income has increased by a remarkable 35.3% as the brethren
respond to your leadership. The Work is supported by 635 members, 808 co­
workers and 1703 donors.
Church attendance is also growing.
At this time we are showing a 9%
increase over last year's attendance.
The depressed state of the New
Zealand economy has caused many members to seek work in Australia. Over the
past 3 years approximately one family per month has transferred to churches
in that country. If they had remained, the growth would have been even
During 1981, we want to follow your lead in pushing ahead on this final
"homestretch" drive in God's Work. The excellent mai1 figures, and very
fine Unleavened Bread holy day offerings (50% up on last year's offerings)
show clearly that the brethren have responded to your requests to "prime
the pump."
Radio was used in New Zealand up until 1978. This year we have tried to
find an opening for the broadcast but without success as yet. However, as
we write this report, it is possible that the Eternal is opening that door
for us. Television is subject to government control in a way similar to
that in Britain, so there are no immediate possibilities of screening the
Because of these difficulties in securing radio and television openings, we
are concentrating our major efforts on building up a large and solid PLAIN
TRUTH mailing list.
By the end of August we will have distributed over 680,000 full-color
fliers offering The PLAIN TRUTH in leading newspapers throughout the
nation. Other newspaper advertisements will be run in New Zealand and the
Pacific Islands, and the advertisements you write for T.V. Guide and
Reader's Digest could be used here. We are also substantially expanding
our PLAIN TRUTH newsstand program.
Currently, our PLAIN TRUTH mailing list stands at 41,000--a saturation rate
of just over one person in 100, or one household in every 30 in New Zealand
and the South Pacific Islands. This should rise to around 50,000 by the end
of 1981.
An interesting indicator of the way God is supporting your efforts is that
our renewal responses for The PLAIN TRUTH have doubled this year. Last year
they hit an all-time low of 32%. This year our first renewal has produced
33% already. After a second and third renewal, we should be back on the way
towards the 60%-plus that the work used to experience. The results mean
that people are now reading and valuing the magazine. The Eternal will
undoubtedly call some of them, besides giving a witness to many others.