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Thank you for your most excellent example in how we should grow--and
get ready!
Thank you for your superb writings--articles that are absolutely
Thank you for your constant selfless sacrifices on our behalf.
We love you very much!
Virginia Smith (Medford, OR)
Readers Are grateful for Literature
I am extending my thanks and gratitude for your booklet THE SEVEN LAWS
OF SUCCESS. I read and meditated on it. Before I wrote to you I was
so deep in problems that I almost killed myself. However, knowing
that only God can take life, I stopped and went to a person who could
help me get out from my dark way of life. Your reading matter is
helping me become a real person and a good Christian. What I learn
from you I can share with others.
T.M. (The Philippines)
Because of your radio programs and booklets, especially the one called
ENDING YOUR FINANCIAL WORRIES, I finally have intelligent, practical,
logical, clear and precise answers to questions that have caused me
intense frustration and agony for many, many years.
As our Lord
stated in His Word, the truth really does set us free!
M.W. Brannon (Marietta, GA)
I was very happy to receive the literature about America and Britain
in prophecy. I found it most inspiring and easy to understand. It
took apart the subject quite easily for me. I don't profess to be a
Christian, but I believe in God and His Holy Work.
In regards to the Work that you are doing--it is a very big help to
thousands of Bahamians.
James Forbes (Eight Mile Rock, Bahamas)
New Listeners Hunger After Truth
I have just listened to your program on the radio this morning. What a
joy it was. I know that sometimes you wonder if you are reaching
people or not and if they will listen. Let me tell you, if they are as
hungry for the truth as I am, you have no worries. I thank God always
for you and all the others who are teaching us in the right way.
Mrs. Harriet Williamson (Marion, OH)
Last week I was listening to The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast over our
radio station here in Coffeyville and heard some messages you gave on
the Kingdom of God. Let me tell you that the programs I heard got me
excited. I'm so stirred up and so hungry to understand this message of
the Kingdom I could scream. Those messages you gave were powerful and
I just want to encourage you and ask God's blessing to be upon you to
continue to preach this Kingdom message.
Margie Thompson (Coffeyville, KS)