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LAKE OF THE OZARKS, MO--JAMES E. KISSEE: The past few months have seen
a great leap forward in the serving attitude. This is reflected in the
care and concern we have seen when others are sick and afflicted or
otherwise in need. The brethren are helping in whatever way they can,
be it in prayers, food or physical service.
Many are hurting due to the U.M.W.
strike, since we have a number of men employed in the coal mining
industry and related jobs. The auto industry slow-down has hurt too.
It seems attitudes have changed greatly. For years it has been hard to
get a fair turnout for a church dance, but we had a smashing attendance
and great fellowship at our spring dance this month.
Weekly Letter Comments
The first few letters this week show how much our brethren truly appreciate
Mr. Armstrong's efforts, and that they are supporting him with renewed
dedication and determination in the homestretch of God's Work. Then sev­
eral of our readers comment on how our booklets are helping them find an­
swers to problems in their lives. Finally, as listeners come in contact
with the radio program, they become excited about the messages and begin
seeking more understanding. (As always, the comments every week are re­
presentative of numerous enthusiastic letters received every week.)
Brethren Highly Esteem God's Apostle
I wanted to write a note to thank you for your great effort and
dedication in finishing the Great Commission God has given you. You
are setting a sterling example that I want to follow. I realize God is
the One we should praise for the accomplishment of an effort, but I
want to thank you very deeply for your part in it.
It's really exciting to hear about the
So encouraging to see God blessing this
love He is pouring out is contagious.
ing us all to do our part in finishing
can come.
tremendous growth in the Work.
Work and His people again. The
It is strengthening and unify­
God's Work so that His Kingdom
Frieda Townsend (Laurel, MS)
Thank you for all of your truly inspiring letters and articles. We
know Jesus Christ is using you as never before.
We are putting our top priorities first and pray every day with zeal
that is even better than when we first came into God's Church. Our
prayer and Bible study has taken on new meaning. What a blessing!
God's Kingdom is so close, and it seems like nothing else matters but
working toward that number one goal in our lives. It is so easy
wrapped up in Satan's world and be influenced by it. Now is when we
need to cry out to God and ask Him for His Holy Spirit as never before.
This is our last opportunity to draw close to God and we pray that
everyone in God's Church feels this way. May God help us all!
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Ware (Springdale, AR)
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for your wonderful Bible studies!
Thank you for your constant encouragement.