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They will each be chaperoned by an adult church member and driven by a team
of professional drivers.
Fares will be slightly lower than regularly
scheduled Greyhound fares: traveling time will be much shorter.
Parents of 1st session campers interested in this service should call Mr.
Hindman at 803-288-7721 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. E.S.T.
before May 27th. Parents of second and third session campers may call the
above number or write P.O. Box 1732, Greenville, South Carolina 29602
June 1st.
Include name of camper, address, phone number, local church
area, and session attending.
**NOTE: Several church areas have made plans for car-pooling or busing the
campers from their areas to camp. This certainly has proven to be cost
effective for the parents. The Y.O.U. Office advises that these groups
make sure they are covered fully by liability insurance, and are able to
locally handle any unexpected expenses.
(Y.o.U. insurance wi11 cover
medical for the campers up to the policy limit.)
International News
Australian Report Jesus Christ certainly blessed His Work in Australia
this last month! Offerings for the first and last days of Unleavened Bread
showed increases of 57.2% and 72.3% respectively over the same Holy Days
last year. The overall income for the Work year-to-date now stands 35.6%
ahead of the first four months of 1980.
April was an exciting month for both television and radio, as the number of
television stations carrying The WORLD TOMORROW telecast increased from
fifteen to twenty-two, and the number of radio stations from twenty-two to
thirty-two. Apart from one or two isolated areas, almost the entire pop­
ulation of Australia can now tune in to hear the message Christ has given
His end-time apostle. Future plans include adding more television and radio
stations as the year goes by.
A number of new outlets opened to us this month--including the prestigious
Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne.
Outlets at both of the two domestic
terminals and the international terminal will be displaying The PLAIN TRUTH
magazine, and we expect to distribute many thousands of copies per month
through these three outlets. Responses to the newsstand programme continue
to be excellent, with many new readers being added monthly to the regular
subscription list in this manner.
Good News for Asia In the last few days, the long-closed doors to Radio
Ceylon opened once again to Mr. Armstrong's half-hour programme. Besides
covering all of Sri Lanka, this powerful station reaches into India,
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, the Maldive Islands,
Singapore, Malaysia and other neighbouring countries. The programme is due
to begin weekly on Radio Ceylon on July 4th.
French Director Travels French Director, Mr. Dibar Apartian, returned May
4th from an extended tour of churches in Europe and the Caribbean. He
reported that all the French-speaking churches were growing well and were
very supportive and united behind Mr. Armstrong. The church in Paris is now
averaging over 200 brethren in attendance every Sabbath. While in Europe,
Mr. Apartian conducted two days of meetings with all the French-speaking
ministers in Europe, in our own facilities in Paris.