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Monday the 11th was a "rest" day. Bob Morton and I spent several hours
talking with Mr. Armstrong on points in his sermon, and various other
administrative things involving the Work in this part of the world. Later
Mr. Armstrong worked on a letter he is writing to all new baptized members,
which includes a reminder that they have been offered LIFE.
On Tuesday we had a tour of the Australian office at Burleigh Heads. Bob
Morton and his staff had prepared about ten large charts showing Mr.
Armstrong and me a complete picture of every aspect of what is being done in
Australia and Southeast Asia. The first few showed radio and TV in relation
to population. Australia now uses 32 radio and 22 TV stations after a 3�
year break. The radio stations are only weekly at present. Mr. Armstrong
told Bob that five days a week is far more effective than once a week. Bob
will begin seeking daily bookings. TV will remain weekly for the present.
Newsstand distribution has also begun again. By June 1st, there will be
100,000 copies of The PLAIN TRUTH on newsstands throughout the country. A
hundred and fifty thousand by the end of the year.
Mr. Armstrong was very pleased with these developments that spread Christ's
Gospel in Australia.
Mr. Armstrong felt there were too many small feast sites in the country.
Circumstances required this in 1981. It will be reviewed next year.
The 1981 budget for Australia puts 47% of expenditure into the Great
Commission, 35% to serve the churches, 4% goes into the feast and 14% to­
wards administration expenses.
The Aussies are able to help Southeast Asia receive the Gospel by The PLAIN
TRUTH, other literature and regular visits. This will cost them $175,000
this year. Canada is going to give additional help by paying for Radio
Ceylon to air The WORLD TOMORROW daily.
This station can be heard in
Singapore, Malaysia, Burma, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, parts of the Middle East and the east coast of Africa.
After the visit, Mr. Armstrong told the office staff that he was not only
impressed, he was INSPIRED! He had not realized how much God had built and
blessed the Work in this area. He reminded us of the very humble beginnings
of the Work when he and Mrs. Armstrong were the entire worldwide staff! God
began small but He has established this office in Australia and many others
around the world.
More next week.
* * * * *
Churches East of Mississippi--Buses available to S.E.P. Camp
A church member, Mr. Frank Hindman, has informed the Y.O.U. Office he is
willing to coordinate buses to and from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd sessions of S.E.P.
camp for those church areas east of the Mississippi. The buses are diesel
road coaches with reclining seats, each safety inspected and fully insured.