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that when I was baptized in 1975. Thank you for writing it, and for
helping us all to reaffirm our commitment to Christ and to God's Work.
Valentine Matuszkiewicz (Buffalo, NY)
May I comment on the March GOOD NEWS Personal by Mr. Armstrong, "An
Open Letter to our Newly Begotten Brethren Recently Baptized." Even
though I've been baptized for 16 years, I truly find this article most
uplifting and so very encouraging--especially the last four paragraphs
on Bible study and prayer!
There's always room to improve on the
quality of our prayer and Bible study, and Mr. Armstrong's teachings
are certainly a "welcome boost"! I squared that portion off in red ink
so I can reread it often. Thank you again for all.
Mrs. Trellis Player (Lexington, SC)
Responses to March Letter
I have read your (Mr. Armstrong's) latest six-page letter several
times and reflected much on its content. As usual, you make things
very plain and understandable--they ring true!
The formation of an
Advisory Council of Elders adds more strength to the superstructure of
God's government here on earth--truly an inspirational stroke by the
hand of God!
May God continue to guide you as His apostle and our leader under
Christ. You will have our prayers as always, and together with the
Council of Elders, we will "stay up your hands" in the manner of Aaron
and Hur until the job
Halvor Halvorsen (Albany, NY)
I am happy that you have instituted an Advisory Council of Elders. I
believe this is God's system of Government and will make the Church
even more God's Church. God has elders before His throne as it men­
tions in the Book of Revelation.
Margaret French (England)
Your recent letter really caused me to redouble my prayer and Bible
study efforts and to make them more effective. I'm also praying that
God will give me the strength and wisdom to use my time
than ever.
As you mentioned, a famine of hearing God's Word will come. We all
need to be praying and studying hard in order to have enough spiritual
meat to bring us through this famine.
I will pray extra fervently for your protection, and I know God will
keep you until your job has been done. Please know, Mr. Armstrong,
that God's Church is praying and beseeching Him for you!
Deborah A. Dessaso (Washington, D.C.)
Filmed Sermon a Great Inspiration
The Phoenix church viewed your sermon originally given to the Cali­
fornia churches. It was so powerful and inspiring. It is good that
you have asked us so earnestly to pray for you. At times it is dif­
ficult for me to realize that you need !!!Y prayers and it makes me feel